答案 0 :(得分:1)
import numpy as np
from mpmath import mp
print("*** Scipy calculations: ***")
# Generate matrix:
n = 25
AA = np.random.randn(n, n)
HH = np.dot(AA, AA.T)
# Calculate eigenvalues and -vectors:
w, VV = eigh(HH) # eigvalsh() calls also eigh()
# Check Result:
HH2 = np.dot(VV, np.diag(w).dot(VV.T))
dHH = HH - HH2
elem_diff_max = np.abs(HH-HH2).max()
print("Elements differ by maximally {}".format(np.abs(dHH).max()))
print("Froebenius norm: {}".format(np.linalg.norm(HH-HH2,'fro')))
print("*** Mpmath calculations (very slow): *** ")
mp.dps = 40 # number of precision digits for mpmath
mHH = mp.matrix(HH) # take previous atrix
mw, mVV = mp.eigh(mHH) # and do eigem decomposition
# Check rsults:
mHH2 = mVV*mp.diag(mw)*mVV.T
mdHH = mHH-mHH2
#Curiously I could not figure out how to determine abs(mdHH).max(),
hmax = mp.mpf(0)
for r in mdHH.tolist():
for c in r:
mc = c if c >= 0 else -c
hmax = mc if mc > hmax else hmax
print("Elements differ by maximally {}".format(hmax))
print("Froebenius norm: {}".format(mp.norm(mdHH)))
# Sample output (differs because of randn()):
# *** Scipy calculations: ***
# Elements differ by maximally 6.48370246381e-14
# Froebenius norm: 4.90996840307e-13
# *** Mpmath calculations (very slow): ***
# Elements differ by maximally 5.510129769479472693603452518229276614775e-39
# Froebenius norm: 3.772588954060141733111171961647528674136e-38