
时间:2015-03-04 02:08:47

标签: assembly byte output cpu-registers


; Assembler directives
.586                ;accept instructions for 586
.MODEL FLAT         ;generate code for flat memory
INCLUDE io.h        ;header file for input/output
.STACK 4096         ;reserve 4096-byte stack

.DATA               ; Data section begins here: reserve storage for data
numPromptP          BYTE        "How many pennies do you have?", 0  ;Prompt string for pennies
numPromptN          BYTE        "How many nickles do you have?", 0  ;Prompt string for nickles
numPromptD          BYTE        "How many dimes do you have?", 0    ;Prompt string for dimes
numPromptQ          BYTE        "How many quarters do you have?", 0 ;Prompt string for quarters
asciiInNum          BYTE        3 DUP (?)                           ;ASCII input for an integer
outCoinLabel        BYTE        "Coin Information", 0               ;string to display total amount of coins
asciiOutCoinString  BYTE        "Number of coins: ", 10 DUP (?), 0dh, 0ah, "Dollars: ", 10 DUP (?), 0dh, 0ah, "Cents: ", 10 DUP (?), 0
intP                DWORD       ?                                   ;pennies 32-bit integer
intN                DWORD       ?                                   ;nickles 32-bit integer
intD                DWORD       ?                                   ;dimes 32-bit integer
intQ                DWORD       ?                                   ;quarters 32-bit integer
coinTotal           DWORD       ?                                   ;Coin Total 32-bit integer
multiplier          DWORD       ?                                   ;32-bit integer to store value for multiplication
dollarTotal         DWORD       ?                                   ;32-bit integer to store dollar value of coins
centTotal           DWORD       ?                                   ;32-bit integer to store cent value of coins

.CODE               ; Code section begins here
_MainProc           PROC                                            ;main procedure starts here

                    ;read ASCII input for pennies, convert to 2's comp, add to coin total, and store in memory
                    input       numPromptP, asciiInNum, 3           ;prompt for, read, and store ASCII characters
                    atod        asciiInNum                          ;convert ASCII to 2's comp and store in EAX
                    mov         coinTotal, eax                      ;move amount of pennies to coinTotal
                    mov         intP, eax                           ;store pennies value in memory

                    ;read ASCII input for nickles, convert to 2's comp, add to coin total, multiply by 5, and store in memory
                    input       numPromptN, asciiInNum, 3           ;prompt for, read, and store ASCII characters
                    atod        asciiInNum                          ;convert ASCII to 2's comp and store in EAX
                    add         coinTotal, eax                      ;add amount of nickles to coinTotal
                    mov         multiplier, 5
                    mul         multiplier                          ;multiply value in EAX by 5
                    mov         intN, eax                           ;store nickles value in memory

                    ;read ASCII input for dimes, convert to 2's comp, add to coin total, multiply by 10, and store in memory
                    input       numPromptD, asciiInNum, 3           ;prompt for, read, and store ASCII characters
                    atod        asciiInNum                          ;convert ASCII to 2's comp and store in EAX
                    add         coinTotal, eax                      ;add amount of dimes to coinTotal
                    mov         multiplier, 10
                    mul         multiplier                          ;multiply value in EAX by 10
                    mov         intD, eax                           ;store 2's comp in memory

                    ;read ASCII input for quarters, convert to 2's comp, add to coin total, multiply by 25, and store in memory
                    input       numPromptQ, asciiInNum, 3           ;prompt for, read, and store ASCII characters
                    atod        asciiInNum                          ;convert ASCII to 2's comp and store in EAX
                    add         coinTotal, eax                      ;add amount of dimes to coinTotal
                    mov         multiplier, 25
                    mul         multiplier                          ;multiply value in EAX by 25
                    mov         intQ, eax                           ;store 2's comp in memory

                    ;Add up total dollar amount from coins, and store in memory
                    mov         eax, intP
                    add         eax, intN
                    add         eax, intD
                    add         eax, intQ
                    mov         dollarTotal, eax
                    mov         centTotal, eax

                    dtoa        asciiOutCoinString+16, coinTotal
                    dtoa        asciiOutCoinString+37, dollarTotal
                    dtoa        asciiOutCoinString+56, centTotal
                    output      outCoinLabel, asciiOutCoinString

                    mov         eax, 0                              ;exit with return code 0
_MainProc           ENDP                                            ;end of main procedure
                    END                                             ;end of source code 

我的问题是......有没有办法获得存储在eax寄存器中的字节,这样我就可以说“在Eax + 5个内存位置取字节并存入”dollarTotal“和” byte存储在EAX +6和EAX +7内存位置,并存储在“centTotal”中。我已经阅读了有关间接寄存器模式的内容,但我对它并不太熟悉,所以我只需要指向正确的方向。我有解决方案,我只是不知道如何实现它!我目前的节目打印(如果我指出4便士,4角钱,4个镍币和4个季度):

Number of coins: 16
Dollars: 164 (I want this to say "1")
Coins: 164 (I want this to say "64")

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我想出了一个独特的解决方案!基本上,通过取1/100 * 2 ^ 32,将此十进制转换为十六进制,并将此十六进制存储在内存中的乘数中。我可以这样做:

imul multiplier

将eax中的美元金额乘以1/100 * 2 ^ 32,并且它基本上是乘以"的分数,并将100的位置存储在edx和在eax休息。例如,如果我有" 164"在乘法之前存储在eax中,并执行该指令。这将导致1存储在edx中,其余的存储在eax中。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


dtoa tempstring, dollarTotal
mov  al,[tempstring]
mov  [asciiOutCoinString+37], al   ;"1"
mov  ax,[tempstring+1]
mov  [asciiOutCoinString+56], ax   ;"64"