
时间:2015-03-02 02:04:32

标签: python matplotlib


箱边缘将沿径向轴均匀间隔,但在给定半径处沿角度轴将存在任意数量的箱。 我正在尝试这个,因为我希望随着半径的增加,箱子的大小相对恒定。 所以在一个很小的半径范围内,只有几个角度箱,但是在更大的半径范围内,会有更多的角度箱。

这是我第一次使用pcolormesh尝试(尽管对我来说似乎有点费解)。 如您所见,在箱边缘周围有白色区域,因为即使在极坐标中,网格线也保持笔直。 (嗯,我的第一篇文章,所以我无法附上图片。)



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# bin properties in radial coordinate nBins_r = 2 # number of bins in radial direction r_max = 1.0 r_min = 0.0 delta_r = (r_max - r_min)/float(nBins_r) # size of increment in r # bin properties in angular (theta) coordinate nBins_theta_list = [] # number of bins depends on radius delta_circumf = delta_r # set bin edge length same in both coordinates circumf_max = 2.0*np.pi*r_max nBins_theta_max = int(circumf_max/delta_circumf) # max number of bins in theta needed # fill radial bin edges binEdges_r = [0.0] for i in xrange(nBins_r): binEdges_r.append(float(i+1)*delta_r) binEdges_r.append(float(i+1)*delta_r) # do twice for next bin in r binEdges_r.pop() # last entry does not need to be repeated # find size of array needed for angular bin edges, fill later binEdges_theta = np.zeros(nBins_theta_max+1) # create meshgrid thetas, rs = np.meshgrid(binEdges_theta, binEdges_r, indexing='xy') # fill matrix of angular bin edges for i_r in xrange(nBins_r): # iterate through different r's r_edge = float(i_r+1)*delta_r # current radius circumf = 2.0*np.pi**r_edge # current circumference at radius r nBins_theta = int(circumf/delta_circumf) # number of bins in theta delta_theta = 2.0*np.pi/nBins_theta for i_theta in xrange(nBins_theta+1): thetas[2*i_r, i_theta] = i_theta*delta_theta - 0.5*delta_theta thetas[2*i_r+1, i_theta] = i_theta*delta_theta - 0.5*delta_theta # do twice for next bin in r nBins_theta_list.append(nBins_theta) # weights of bins to be colored w = np.full((2*nBins_r, nBins_theta_max), -1) temp = 0.0 for i in xrange(nBins_r): for j in xrange(nBins_theta_list[i]): temp += 1 w[2*i, j] = temp # set some arbitrary weight ws = np.ma.masked_values(w, -1) # create plot ax = plt.subplot(projection="polar") ax.pcolormesh(thetas, rs, ws) plt.show()

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