在objective-c中的php AES256加密兼容性

时间:2015-02-21 12:23:09

标签: php objective-c encryption

我已经在php(作为服务)中编写了一个代码来解密通过协议发送的密码。该协议要求密码为" Mac然后使用AES256加密" ed(MtE),然后使用base-64进行编码。

消息结构如this comment on php.net中所述。

base46encoded (iv + ecrypted(mac + password))


public static function getPassword($password, $key, $mac_algorithm = 'sha1',
                                       $enc_algorithm = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $enc_mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC)
        // truncating pre-shared key to 32 bytes.
        $key = substr($key, 0, 32);

        // decoding the message (being a password) from base64
        $password = base64_decode($password);

        // getting the iv size based on algorithm and encryption mode
        $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($enc_algorithm, $enc_mode);

        // extracting iv from message header (normally the first 32 byte) for decryption
        $iv_dec = substr($password, 0, $iv_size);

        // getting the encrypted message after the header (after the first 32 byte)
        $password = substr($password, $iv_size);

        // decrypting message using the pre-shared key and extracted iv
        $password = mcrypt_decrypt($enc_algorithm, $key, $password, $enc_mode, $iv_dec);

        // getting block size for hash algorithm in bytes (sha1 block size is 160 bit)
        $mac_block_size = ceil(static::getMacAlgoBlockSize($mac_algorithm)/8);

        // extracting the mac from the header of decrypted message
        $mac_dec = substr($password, 0, $mac_block_size);

        // extracting the valuable message
        $password = substr($password, $mac_block_size);

        // eliminate extra null terminators padded as the result of enc/decryption the following if and the next statement are check clauses for unpack function
        $password = unpack('Z*', $password);
        if (!isset($password[1]))
            return false;

        // obtaining the pure intended message (being the password) from the unpack result
        $password = $password[1];

        // regenerating the mac to control the authenticity and correctness of transmission
        $mac = hash_hmac($mac_algorithm, $password, $key, true);

        // see if transmitted mac (mac_dec) and the generated mac are the same and the data is valid
        if($mac_dec == $mac)
            return $password;
            return false;


我们使用标准CCHmac,Base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64EncodingEndLineWithCarriageReturn和This SO answer用于CCCrypt。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

