用C ++实现aes256

时间:2014-08-29 17:43:07

标签: c++ qt encryption aes


AESencrypt encriptador; //class encrypt

unsigned char *keymain=new unsigned char[256]; // in this lines i probe putt the value of password in the begin or end of array, but i dong't get the correct answer.

keymain[0]= 61;

AESdecrypt desencriptador; //class decrypt

encriptador.key(  keymain, 256 ); // assign the key the member id definited by library of gledman
desencriptador.key( keymain, 256 ); //

unsigned char *ab= new unsigned char[88];

unsigned char *ac= new unsigned char[88];

memset(ab, 0, 88*sizeof(char));
memset(ac, 0, 88*sizeof(char));

unsigned char *ad=new unsigned char[44];

char *az=new char[4];
memset(az, 0, (sizeof(char)*4));

memset(ad, 0, (44*sizeof(char)));

cout<<"cadena de ejemplo"<<az<<endl;
encriptador.ecb_encrypt( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(az), ab, 32); //ecb_encrypt is definited by gledman library, az is buffer enter, and ab is buffer exit.

QByteArray arreglo=QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ab));

qDebug()<<"cadena en base64: "<<arreglo.toBase64();
qDebug()<<"cadena en hexadecimal: "<<arreglo.toHex();

desencriptador.ecb_decrypt(ab, ac, 32); //ecb_decrypt is definited by gledman library, ab is buffer enter and ac is buffer out

cout<<"su cadena original debe ser: "<<ac<<endl; //i get the original string but i    don't get the same value with other tool


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