所以我正在从我以前的项目(我在这里发布以进行代码审查)进行升级,这次实现重复背景(就像卡通上使用的那样),这样SDL就不必加载非常大的图像一个级别。 然而,程序中存在一个奇怪的不一致:用户第一次向右滚动时,显示的面板比指定的少。向后(向左)显示正确数量的面板(即面板重复代码中指定的次数)。在此之后,似乎再次向右移动(一直在左侧),显示正确数量的面板并向后移动。这是一些选定的代码,这里是.zip of all my code
Game::Game(SDL_Event* event, SDL_Surface* scr, int level_w, int w, int h, int bpp) {
this->event = event;
this->bpp = bpp;
level_width = level_w;
screen = scr;
w_width = w;
w_height = h;
//load images and set rects
background = format_surface("background.jpg");
person = format_surface("person.png");
background_rect_left = background->clip_rect;
background_rect_right = background->clip_rect;
current_background_piece = 1; //we are displaying the first clip
rect_in_view = &background_rect_right;
other_rect = &background_rect_left;
person_rect = person->clip_rect;
background_rect_left.x = 0; background_rect_left.y = 0;
background_rect_right.x = background->w; background_rect_right.y = 0;
person_rect.y = background_rect_left.h - person_rect.h;
person_rect.x = 0;
void Game::move(SDLKey direction) {
if(direction == SDLK_RIGHT) {
if(move_screen(direction)) {
if(!background_reached_right()) {
//move background right
background_rect_left.x += movement_increment;
background_rect_right.x += movement_increment;
if(rect_in_view->x >= 0) {
//move the other rect in to fill the empty space
SDL_Rect* temp;
other_rect->x = -w_width + rect_in_view->x;
temp = rect_in_view;
rect_in_view = other_rect;
other_rect = temp;
std::cout << current_background_piece << std::endl;
if(background_overshoots_right()) {
//sees if this next blit is past the surface
//this is used only for re-aligning the rects when
//the end of the screen is reached
background_rect_left.x = 0;
background_rect_right.x = w_width;
else {
//move the person instead
person_rect.x += movement_increment;
if(get_person_right_side() > w_width) {
//person went too far right
person_rect.x = w_width - person_rect.w;
else if(direction == SDLK_LEFT) {
if(move_screen(direction)) {
if(!background_reached_left()) {
//moves background left
background_rect_left.x -= movement_increment;
background_rect_right.x -= movement_increment;
if(rect_in_view->x <= -w_width) {
//swap the rect in view
SDL_Rect* temp;
rect_in_view->x = w_width;
temp = rect_in_view;
rect_in_view = other_rect;
other_rect = temp;
std::cout << current_background_piece << std::endl;
if(background_overshoots_left()) {
background_rect_left.x = 0;
background_rect_right.x = w_width;
else {
//move the person instead
person_rect.x -= movement_increment;
if(person_rect.x < 0) {
//person went too far left
person_rect.x = 0;