Python GPA计算器

时间:2015-02-03 22:22:02

标签: python calculator

我正在使用python 2中的GPA计算器。但是,我无法让代码按照我的意愿工作。我希望有人能帮我,并给我一些方向。当我投入成绩时,我希望它能够计算出GPA。现在,它只读取字母或符号,但不能同时读取。我会输入A +它会给我.3而不是4.3。如果我输入多个等级,它只会读一年级。 for部分获取所有输入的成绩,并给出我们的平均GPA。


from sys import argv

def gp(grade):
    points = 0
    if grade == 'A' or grade == 'a':
        points +=  4.0
    if grade == 'B' or grade == 'b':
        points += 3.0
    if grade == 'C' or grade == 'c':
        points += 2.0
    if grade =='D' or grade == 'd':
        points += 1.0
    if grade == 'F' or  grade =='f':
        points += 0.0
    if grade.endswith ('+'):
        points = points + 0.3
    if grade.endswith ('-'):
        points = points - 0.3
    for x in grade
        return points = sum(points)/len(grade)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    grade = argv[1].replace(" ","")
    print (("%.1f") % gp(grade))

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果您的成绩是'A +',则它是一个包含2个字符的字符串,第一个字符为A,第二个字符为+grade=='A'可以是真的吗?一旦你理解了这一点,就应该清楚为什么A+没有获得4年级的成绩。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

from sys import argv

def gp(grade):
    points = 0
    if grade.lower() == 'a':
        points +=  4.0
    if grade.lower() == 'b':
        points += 3.0
    if grade.lower() == 'c':
        points += 2.0
    if grade.lower() == 'd':
        points += 1.0
    if grade.lower() =='f':
        points += 0.0
    if grade[:0] == "+"
        points = points + 0.3
    if grade[:0] == "-"
        points = points - 0.3
    for x in grade
        return points = sum(points)/len(grade)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    grade = argv[1].replace(" ","")
    print (("%.1f") % gp(grade))


答案 2 :(得分:-2)

'''This is a simple GPA calculator I was able to put together. Hope this help'''

class GpaCalculator():
    '''Declare the variables'''
    count = 0
    hrs   = 0
    numberofclasses =0
    totalhours = 0
    totalPoints = 0.0
    gpa = 0.0
    '''Prompt the user for the number of classes taking'''
    numberofclasses = int(input("Enter number of  classes "))

    '''use for to loop '''
    for count in range(count, numberofclasses):
        '''This is to keep track of the number of classes (Optional)'''
        print("For class # ", count+1)

        '''Prompt user for number of number of credit hours per class'''
        hrs = int(input("Enter the credit hrs "))

        '''Prompt user to enter the letter grade'''
        grade = input("Enter the letter grade ")

        '''Use if statement to check the grade and increment points and total hours'''

        if grade == 'A' or grade == 'a':
            totalPoints = totalPoints + (hrs * 4)
            totalhours = totalhours + hrs
        elif grade == 'B' or grade == 'b':
            totalPoints += (hrs * 3.0)
            totalhours += hrs
        elif grade == 'C' or grade == 'c':
            totalPoints += (hrs * 2.0)
            totalhours += hrs
        elif grade == 'D' or grade == 'd':
            totalPoints += (hrs * 1.0)
            totalhours += hrs
            '''If not A,B, C, D then it must be F. You can write validation to check in other lettes'''
            totalPoints += (hrs * 0.0)
            totalhours += hrs
    '''Calculate GPA based on the total points and total hours'''
    gpa = totalPoints / totalhours
    print("Your GPA is :", gpa)

def main():
    gpa = GpaCalculator()

if __name__ == '__main__':main()