
时间:2015-01-27 10:19:10

标签: python

我需要将最后三分的学生及其姓名写入一个文本文件中,供教师的课程阅读和排序。 我仍然不知道如何保存最后3分 到目前为止我试过这个:

#Task 2
import random
name_score = []
myclass1= open("class1.txt","a")#Opens the text files
myclass2= open("class2.txt","a")#Opens the text files
myclass3= open ("class3.txt","a")#Opens the text files
def main():
    name=input("Please enter your name:")#asks the user for their name and then stores it in the variable name    
    if name==(""):#checks if the name entered is blank
        print ("please enter a valid name")#prints an error mesage if the user did not enter their name
        main()#branches back to the main fuction (the beggining of the program), so the user will be asked to enter their name again
    class_name(name)#branches to the class name function where the rest of the program will run
def class_name(yourName):
    try:#This function will try to run the following but will ignore any errors
        class_no=int(input("Please enter your class - 1,2 or 3:"))#Asks the user for an input
        if class_no not in range(1, 3):
            print("Please enter the correct class - either 1,2 or 3!")
        print("Please enter the correct class - either 1,2 or 3!")#asks the user to enter the right class
        class_name(yourName)#Branches back to the class choice

    score=0#sets the score to zero
    #add in class no. checking
    for count in range (1,11):#Starts the loop
        numbers=[random.randint (1,11),
                 random.randint (1,11)]#generates the random numbers for the program 
        operator=random.choice(["x","-","+"])#generates the random operator
        if operator=="x":#checks if the generated is an "x" 
            solution =numbers[0]*numbers[1]#the program works out the answer 
            question="{0} * {1}=".format(numbers[0], numbers [1])#outputs the question to the user
        elif operator=="+":#checks if the generated operator is an "+"
            solution=numbers[0]+numbers[1]#the program works out the answer 
            question="{0} + {1}=".format(numbers[0], numbers [1])#outputs the question to the user
        elif operator=="-":
            solution=numbers[0]-numbers[1]#the program works out the answer
            question="{0} - {1}=".format(numbers[0], numbers [1])#outputs the question to the user

            answer = int(input(question))

            if answer == solution:#checks if the users answer equals the correct answer
                score += 1 #if the answer is correct the program adds one to the score
                print("Correct! Your score is, {0}".format(score))#the program outputs correct to the user and then outputs the users score
                print("Your answer is not correct")# fail safe - if try / else statment fails program will display error message 
            print("Your answer is not correct")#if anything else is inputted output the following

    if score >=5:
        print("Congratulations {0} you have finished your ten questions your total score is {1} which is over half.".format(yourName,score))#when the user has finished there ten quetions the program outputs their final score
        print("Better luck next time {0}, your score is {1} which is lower than half".format(yourName,score))


    if class_no ==1:
    if class_no ==2:
    if class_no ==3:


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



删除了try/except块,此处不需要。如果没有try/exceptexception ...),请不要使用ValueError, KeyError。另外,使用with open(...) as ...代替open/close,它会为您关闭文件。

# Task 2
import random

def main():
    your_name = ""
    while your_name == "":
        your_name = input("Please enter your name:")  # asks the user for their name and then stores it in the variable name

    class_no = ""
    while class_no not in ["1", "2", "3"]:
        class_no = input("Please enter your class - 1, 2 or 3:")  # Asks the user for an input

    score = 0

    for _ in range(10):
        number1 = random.randint(1, 11)
        number2 = random.randint(1, 11)
        operator = random.choice("*-+")

        question = ("{0} {1} {2}".format(number1,operator,number2))

        solution = eval(question)

        answer = input(question+" = ")

        if answer == str(solution):
            score += 1
            print("Correct! Your score is, ", score)
            print("Your answer is not correct")

    print("Congratulations {0}, you have finished your ten questions!".format(your_name))
    if score >= 5:
        print("Your total score is {0} which is over half.".format(score))
        print("Better luck next time {0}, your score is {1} which is lower than half".format(your_name, score))

    with open("class%s.txt" % class_no, "a") as my_class:
        my_class.write("{0}\n".format([your_name, score]))
