Prolog的Mastermind - 回溯

时间:2015-01-25 16:59:19

标签: prolog backtracking




guess(Colors, Size, Possibilities, Answer, Black, White)


guess(4, 6, P, [red, red, blue, green, green, yellow], 2, 3)


[red, red, blue, green, green, yellow]获得2个黑色钉子和3个白色。


guess(4, 6, O, [red, red, blue, green, green, yellow], 2, 3), 
guess(4, 6, O, [red, yellow, green, blue, red, blue], 0, 4), 
guess(4, 6, O, [green, blue, yellow, red, green, yellow], 4, 2), 
guess(4, 6, O, [yellow, blue, red, yellow, green, yellow], 5, 0).

它给了我正确答案O = [green, blue, red, yellow, green, yellow]

现在我尝试将其设置为 interactive ,因此我创建了函数

    write('Size: '), read(Size), nl,
    write('Colors: '), read(Colors), nl,
    createFirstGuess(Size, Colors, [], A), //initial guess
    run(Colors, Size, _, A).

run(Colors, Size, P, A) :- 
    tryGuess(Colors, Size, J, A),   //Possibilities in J
    copy(J, X),   //First possible result J -> X
    J = P,   //Unification of all results
    run(Colors, Size, J, X).   //loop

tryGuess(_, _, _, []) :- !. 
tryGuess(Colors, Size, P, A) :- 
    write('Evaluation of: '), write(A), nl,
    write('Black pegs: '), read(B), nl, 
    write('White pegs: '), read(W), nl,
    guess(Colors, Size, P, A, B, W).

copy([],[]) :- !.    //Copy list T1 to T2
copy([H|T1],[H|T2]) :- !, copy(T1,T2).

createFirstGuess(0, _, L, L) :- !.   //Initial guess (just field of the same colors)    
createFirstGuess(N, Colors, R, L) :-
    N > 0, N1 is N - 1, color(Colors, H), createFirstGuess(N1, Colors, [H|R], L).


Evaluation of: [red, red, red, red, red, red]   //Initial guess
Black pegs: 1.
White pegs: 0.

Evaluation of: [red, green, green, green, green, green]  //OK
Black pegs: 1.
White pegs: 2.

Evaluation of: [red, green, green, green, green, blue]  //Bad, it goes through the list one-by-one
Black pegs: 1.
White pegs: 2.

Evaluation of: [red, green, green, green, green, yellow]   //Bad
Black pegs: 2.
White pegs: 2.

Evaluation of: [red, green, green, green, blue, green]   //Bad
Black pegs: 0.
White pegs: 4.






Evaluation of: [red, red, red, red, red, red]   //Initial guess
Black pegs: 1.
White pegs: 0.

Evaluation of: [red, green, green, green, green, green]
Black pegs: 1.
White pegs: 2.

Evaluation of: [green, red, blue, yellow, green, blue]
Black pegs: 3.
White pegs: 2.

Evaluation of: [green, blue, yellow, yellow, green, red]
Black pegs: 4.
White pegs: 2.

Evaluation of: [green, blue, red, yellow, green, yellow]
Black pegs: 6.
White pegs: 0.

End of Game



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)
