以下链接解决了我的问题。 https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/32552/how-to-calculate-the-maximum-distance-within-a-polygon-in-x-direction-east-west。 (第一个答案:实施R代码以执行计算并创建插图)
- 可重复的例子---
我使用我的多边形添加以下行(x,y坐标以alpha = 30度旋转,与第一个答案的作者建议的方式相同)。
# --- modified lines ------
x <- c(29, -3, -9, -33, -11, -3, 30)
y <- c(13, -38, -37, -22, 32, 39, 13)
df = data.frame(x,y)
p.raw = list(cbind(x=df$x, y=df$y))
#scale <- 10
#p.raw = list(scale * cbind(x=c(0:10,7,6,0), y=c(3,0,0,-1,-1,-1,0,-0.5,0.75,1,4,1.5,0.5,3)),
# scale *cbind(x=c(1,1,2.4,2,4,4,4,4,2,1), y=c(0,1,2,1,1,0,-0.5,1,1,0)),
# scale *cbind(x=c(6,7,6,6), y=c(.5,2,3,.5)))
#p.raw = list(cbind(x=c(0,2,1,1/2,0), y=c(0,0,2,1,0)))
#p.raw = list(cbind(x=c(0, 35, 100, 65, 0), y=c(0, 50, 100, 50, 0)))
# --- modified lines ------
# Plotting functions.
points.polygon <- function(p, ...) {
points(p$v, ...)
plot.polygon <- function(p, ...) {
apply(p$e, 1, function(e) lines(matrix(e[c("x.min", "x.max", "y.min", "y.max")], ncol=2), ...))
expand <- function(bb, e=1) {
a <- matrix(c(e, 0, 0, e), ncol=2)
origin <- apply(bb, 2, mean)
delta <- origin %*% a - origin
t(apply(bb %*% a, 1, function(x) x - delta))
# Convert polygon to a better data structure.
# A polygon class has three attributes:
# v is an array of vertex coordinates "x" and "y" sorted by increasing y;
# e is an array of edges from (x.min, y.min) to (x.max, y.max) with y.max >= y.min, sorted by y.min;
# bb is its rectangular extent (x0,y0), (x1,y1).
as.polygon <- function(p) {
# p is a list of linestrings, each represented as a sequence of 2-vectors
# with coordinates in columns "x" and "y".
f <- function(p) {
g <- function(i) {
v <- p[(i-1):i, ]
v[order(v[, "y"]), ]
sapply(2:nrow(p), g)
vertices <- do.call(rbind, p)
edges <- t(do.call(cbind, lapply(p, f)))
colnames(edges) <- c("x.min", "x.max", "y.min", "y.max")
# Sort by y.min.
vertices <- vertices[order(vertices[, "y"]), ]
vertices <- vertices[!duplicated(vertices), ]
edges <- edges[order(edges[, "y.min"]), ]
# Maintaining an extent is useful.
bb <- apply(vertices <- vertices[, c("x","y")], 2, function(z) c(min(z), max(z)))
# Package the output.
l <- list(v=vertices, e=edges, bb=bb); class(l) <- "polygon"
# Compute the maximal horizontal interior segments of a polygon.
fetch.x <- function(p) {
# Update moves the line from the previous level to a new, higher level, changing the
# state to represent all edges originating or strictly passing through level `y`.
update <- function(y) {
if (y > state$level) {
state$level <<- y
# Remove edges below the new level from state$current.
current <- state$current
current <- current[current[, "y.max"] > y, ]
# Adjoin edges at this level.
i <- state$i
while (i <= nrow(p$e) && p$e[i, "y.min"] <= y) {
current <- rbind(current, p$e[i, ])
i <- i+1
state$i <<- i
# Sort the current edges by x-coordinate.
x.coord <- function(e, y) {
if (e["y.max"] > e["y.min"]) {
((y - e["y.min"]) * e["x.max"] + (e["y.max"] - y) * e["x.min"]) / (e["y.max"] - e["y.min"])
} else {
min(e["x.min"], e["x.max"])
if (length(current) > 0) {
x.array <- apply(current, 1, function(e) x.coord(e, y))
i.x <- order(x.array)
current <- current[i.x, ]
x.array <- x.array[i.x]
# Scan and mark each interval as interior or exterior.
status <- FALSE
interior <- numeric(length(x.array))
for (i in 1:length(x.array)) {
if (current[i, "y.max"] == y) {
interior[i] <- TRUE
} else {
status <- !status
interior[i] <- status
# Simplify the data structure by retaining the last value of `interior`
# within each group of common values of `x.array`.
interior <- sapply(split(interior, x.array), function(i) rev(i)[1])
x.array <- sapply(split(x.array, x.array), function(i) i[1])
print(rbind(x.array, interior))
markers <- c(1, diff(interior))
intervals <- x.array[markers != 0]
# Break into a list structure.
if (length(intervals) > 1) {
if (length(intervals) %% 2 == 1)
intervals <- intervals[-length(intervals)]
blocks <- 1:length(intervals) - 1
blocks <- blocks - (blocks %% 2)
intervals <- split(intervals, blocks)
} else {
intervals <- list()
} else {
intervals <- list()
# Update the state.
state$current <<- current
list(y=y, x=intervals)
} # Update()
process <- function(intervals, x, y) {
# intervals is a list of 2-vectors. Each represents the endpoints of
# an interior interval of a polygon.
# x is an array of x-coordinates of vertices.
# Retains only the intervals containing at least one vertex.
between <- function(i) {
1 == max(mapply(function(a,b) a && b, i[1] <= x, x <= i[2]))
is.good <- lapply(intervals$x, between)
list(y=y, x=intervals$x[unlist(is.good)])
# Group the vertices by common y-coordinate.
vertices.x <- split(p$v[, "x"], p$v[, "y"])
vertices.y <- lapply(split(p$v[, "y"], p$v[, "y"]), max)
# The "state" is a collection of segments and an index into edges.
# It will updated during the vertical line sweep.
state <- list(level=-Inf, current=c(), i=1, x=c(), interior=c())
# Sweep vertically from bottom to top, processing the intersection
# as we go.
mapply(function(x,y) process(update(y), x, y), vertices.x, vertices.y)
# --- modified lines ------
x <- c(29, -3, -9, -33, -11, -3, 30)
y <- c(13, -38, -37, -22, 32, 39, 13)
df = data.frame(x,y)
p.raw = list(cbind(x=df$x, y=df$y))
#scale <- 10
#p.raw = list(scale * cbind(x=c(0:10,7,6,0), y=c(3,0,0,-1,-1,-1,0,-0.5,0.75,1,4,1.5,0.5,3)),
# scale *cbind(x=c(1,1,2.4,2,4,4,4,4,2,1), y=c(0,1,2,1,1,0,-0.5,1,1,0)),
# scale *cbind(x=c(6,7,6,6), y=c(.5,2,3,.5)))
#p.raw = list(cbind(x=c(0,2,1,1/2,0), y=c(0,0,2,1,0)))
#p.raw = list(cbind(x=c(0, 35, 100, 65, 0), y=c(0, 50, 100, 50, 0)))
# --- modified lines ------
p <- as.polygon(p.raw)
results <- fetch.x(p)
# Find the longest.
dx <- matrix(unlist(results["x", ]), nrow=2)
length.max <- max(dx[2,] - dx[1,])
# Draw pictures.
segment.plot <- function(s, length.max, colors, ...) {
lapply(s$x, function(x) {
col <- ifelse (diff(x) >= length.max, colors[1], colors[2])
lines(x, rep(s$y,2), col=col, ...)
gray <- "#f0f0f0"
grayer <- "#d0d0d0"
plot(expand(p$bb, 1.1), type="n", xlab="x", ylab="y", main="After the Scan")
sapply(1:length(p.raw), function(i) polygon(p.raw[[i]], col=c(gray, "White", grayer)[i]))
apply(results, 2, function(s) segment.plot(s, length.max, colors=c("Red", "#b8b8a8"), lwd=4))
plot(p, col="Black", lty=3)
points(p, pch=19, col=round(2 + 2*p$v[, "y"]/scale, 0))
points(p, cex=1.25)
得到最大距离段x坐标 dx <- matrix(unlist(results["x", ]), nrow=2)
length.max <- max(dx[2,] - dx[1,])
apply(results, 2, function(s) segment.plot(s, length.max, colors=c("Red", "#b8b8a8"), lwd=2))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
x <- c(1:9, 8:1)
y <- c(1, 2*(5:3), 2, -1, 17, 9, 8, 2:9)
# plot(x, y)
# polygon(x, y)
vertices <- matrix(c(x, y), byrow = T, nrow = 2)
rotate <- function(point, theta, degree = F) {
if (degree) theta <- theta * pi / 180
rotate.matrix <- matrix(c(cos(theta), -sin(theta), sin(theta), cos(theta)), byrow = T, nrow = 2)
rotate.point <- rotate.matrix %*% point
rotate.vertices <- apply(vertices, 2, rotate, theta = 1.3)
# plot(rotate.vertices[1, ], rotate.vertices[2, ], xlim = c(-20, 20), ylim = c(-20, 20))
# polygon(rotate.vertices[1, ], rotate.vertices[2, ])
参数是旋转多边形的角度。如果您更喜欢度数到弧度,请务必设置degree = T