
时间:2015-01-06 23:31:13

标签: delphi delphi-xe7


First chance exception at $000000000013FF10. Exception class $C0000005 with message 'c0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION'. Process Stack.exe (4536)

program Stack;



function StackAlloc(Size: Integer): Pointer; register;
        POP       ECX          // return address
        MOV       EDX, ESP
        ADD       EAX, 3
        AND       EAX, not 3   // round up to keep ESP dword aligned
        CMP       EAX, 4092
        JLE       @@2
        SUB       ESP, 4092
        PUSH      EAX          // make sure we touch guard page, to grow stack
        SUB       EAX, 4096
        JNS       @@1
        ADD       EAX, 4096
        SUB       ESP, EAX
        MOV       EAX, ESP     // function result = low memory address of block
        PUSH      EDX          // save original SP, for cleanup
        MOV       EDX, ESP
        SUB       EDX, 4
        PUSH      EDX          // save current SP, for sanity check  (sp = [sp])
        PUSH      ECX          // return to caller
        MOV       RAX, RCX
        POP       R8           // return address
        MOV       RDX, RSP     // original SP
        ADD       ECX, 15
        AND       ECX, NOT 15  // round up to keep SP dqword aligned
        CMP       ECX, 4092
        JLE       @@2
        SUB       RSP, 4092
        PUSH      RCX          // make sure we touch guard page, to grow stack
        SUB       ECX, 4096
        JNS       @@1
        ADD       ECX, 4096
        SUB       RSP, RCX
        MOV       RAX, RSP     // function result = low memory address of block
        PUSH      RDX          // save original SP, for cleanup
        MOV       RDX, RSP
        SUB       RDX, 8
        PUSH      RDX          // save current SP, for sanity check  (sp = [sp])

{ StackFree pops the memory allocated by StackAlloc off the stack.
- Calling StackFree is optional - SP will be restored when the calling routine
  exits, but it's a good idea to free the stack allocated memory ASAP anyway.
- StackFree must be called in the same stack context as StackAlloc - not in
  a subroutine or finally block.
- Multiple StackFree calls must occur in reverse order of their corresponding
  StackAlloc calls.
- Built-in sanity checks guarantee that an improper call to StackFree will not
  corrupt the stack. Worst case is that the stack block is not released until
  the calling routine exits. }

procedure StackFree(P: Pointer); register;
        POP       ECX                     { return address }
        MOV       EDX, DWORD PTR [ESP]
        SUB       EAX, 8
        CMP       EDX, ESP                { sanity check #1 (SP = [SP]) }
        JNE       @Exit
        CMP       EDX, EAX                { sanity check #2 (P = this stack block) }
        JNE       @Exit
        MOV       ESP, DWORD PTR [ESP+4]  { restore previous SP  }
        PUSH      ECX                     { return to caller }
        POP       R8                       { return address }
        MOV       RDX, QWORD PTR [RSP]
        SUB       RCX, 16
        CMP       RDX, RSP                 { sanity check #1 (SP = [SP]) }
        JNE       @Exit
        CMP       RDX, RCX                 { sanity check #2 (P = this stack block) }
        JNE       @Exit
        MOV       RSP, QWORD PTR [RSP + 8] { restore previous SP  }
        PUSH      R8                       { return to caller }

  SL: ^TStringList;
  SL := StackAlloc(SizeOf(TStringList)); // Crashes here.
  SL^ := TStringList.Create;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

您的StackAlloc版本在x64版本末尾缺少PUSH R8。 因此,返回地址不会被放回堆栈。