我是php的新手,我正在做一个关于无向图的项目。 我写了一个函数来找出这种情况下两个节点(A& G)之间的最短路径。 代码就在下面。我想修改代码,以便我可以列出A-G之间的所有可能路径,所以我在函数中添加一行并尝试使其变为递归
$this->findTheShortestPath($vertex, $destination);
但结果却变成了无限循环。但我明白为什么:(有没有人知道发生了什么?或者有谁知道如何修改代码,以便它可以列出我们所有的路径? 非常感谢
class Graph
protected $graph;
protected $visited = array();
public function __construct($graph)
$this->graph = $graph;
// find least number of hops (edges) between 2 nodes
// (vertices)
public function findTheShortestPath($origin, $destination)
// mark all nodes as unvisited
foreach ($this->graph as $vertex => $adj) {
$this->visited[$vertex] = false;
// create an empty queue
$q = new SplQueue();
// enqueue the origin vertex and mark as visited
$this->visited[$origin] = true;
// this is used to track the path back from each node
$path = array();
$path[$origin] = new SplDoublyLinkedList();
$path[$origin]->setIteratorMode(SplDoublyLinkedList::IT_MODE_FIFO | SplDoublyLinkedList::IT_MODE_KEEP);
// while queue is not empty and destination not found
// print_r($q);
while (!$q->isEmpty() && $q->bottom() != $destination) {
$t = $q->dequeue();
if (!empty($this->graph[$t])) {
foreach ($this->graph[$t] as $vertex) {
if (!$this->visited[$vertex]) {
$this->visited[$vertex] = true;
// add vertex to current path
$path[$vertex] = clone $path[$t];
//$this->findTheShortestPath($vertex, $destination);
if (isset($path[$destination])) {
echo "$origin to $destination in ", count($path[$destination]) - 1, " hops \n";
$sep = '';
foreach ($path[$destination] as $vertex) {
echo $sep, $vertex;
$sep = '->';
echo "n";
} else {
echo "No route from ", $origin, " to ", $destination, "\n";
$graph = array(
'A' => array(
'B' => array(
'C' => array(
'D' => array(
'E' => array(
'F' => array(
'G' => array(
$g = new Graph($graph);
// least number of hops between D and C
$g->findTheShortestPath('A', 'G');