C ++虚拟构造函数,没有clone()

时间:2010-05-04 14:04:48

标签: c++ prototype clone virtual-copy


我了解 Prototype 设计模式,通过 Virtual Ctor Idiom 实现,如C++ FAQ Lite, Item 20.8中所述。

struct ABC // Abstract Base Class
    virtual ~ABC() {}
    virtual ABC * clone() = 0;
struct D1 : public ABC
    virtual D1 * clone() { return new D1( *this ); } // Covariant Return Type


for( i = 0; i < oldVector.size(); ++i )
    newVector.push_back( oldVector[i]->clone() );


作为Andrei Alexandrescu states it



此外,ABC的客户可能会做坏事。 (我的意思是,没有什么能阻止客户做坏事,所以 会发生。)


我的问题是:是否有另一种方法可以使抽象基类克隆而不需要派生类来编写与克隆相关的代码? (助手类?模板?)



struct ImgOp
    virtual ~ImgOp() {}
    bool run( Image & ) = 0;


struct CheckImageSize : public ImgOp
    std::size_t w, h;
    bool run( Image &i ) { return w==i.width() && h==i.height(); }
struct CheckImageResolution { ... };
struct RotateImage          { ... };


bool do_operations( vector< ImgOp* > v, Image &i )
    for_each( v.begin(), v.end(),
        /* bind2nd( mem_fun( &ImgOp::run ), i ... ) don't remember syntax */ );

如果有多个图像,则可以在多个线程上拆分和共享该集。为了确保“线程安全”,每个线程必须拥有v中包含的自己的所有操作对象的副本 - v成为在每个线程中深度复制的原型

已编辑:线程安全版本使用Prototype设计模式强制执行指向对象的副本 - 而不是ptrs:

struct ImgOp
    virtual ~ImgOp() {}
    bool run( Image & ) = 0;
    virtual ImgOp * clone() = 0; // virtual ctor

struct CheckImageSize : public ImgOp       { /* no clone code */ };
struct CheckImageResolution : public ImgOp { /* no clone code */ };
struct RotateImage : public ImgOp          { /* no clone code */ };

bool do_operations( vector< ImgOp* > v, Image &i )
    // In another thread
    vector< ImgOp* > v2;
    transform( v.begin(), v.end(),                       // Copy pointed-to-
        back_inserter( v2 ), mem_fun( &ImgOp::clone ) ); // objects
    for_each( v.begin(), v.end(),
        /* bind2nd( mem_fun( &ImgOp::run ), i ... ) don't remember syntax */ );


困难的部分是避免新ImgOp派生类的编写者编写任何与克隆相关的代码。 (因为这是实施细节 - 这就是为什么我用好奇的重复模式驳回保罗的答案。)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

您可以使用奇怪的递归模式,但这可能会使您的代码不易读取。 您仍然需要复制构造函数。它的工作原理如下。

struct ABC // Abstract Base Class
    virtual ~ABC() {}
    virtual ABC * clone() const = 0;

template <class TCopyableClass>
struct ClonableABC : public ABC
    virtual ABC* clone() const {
       return new TCopyableClass( *(TCopyableClass*)this );

struct SomeABCImpl : public ClonableABC<SomeABCImpl>

答案 1 :(得分:2)

仅供参考,这是我出来的设计。感谢Paul和FredOverflow的投入。 (还有Martin York的评论。)



template< typename T >
class ImgOp
    T m_t; // Not a ptr: when ImgOp is copied, copy ctor and
           // assignement operator perform a *real* copy of object
    ImageOp ( const ImageOp &other ) : m_t( other .m_t ) {}
    ImageOp & operator=( const ImageOp & );
    ImageOp ( const T &p_t ) : m_t( p_t ) {}
    ImageOp<T> * clone() const { return new ImageOp<T>( *this ); }
    bool run( Image &i ) const { return m_t.run( i); }

// Image operations need not to derive from a base class: they must provide
// a compatible interface
class CheckImageSize       { bool run( Image &i ) const {...} };
class CheckImageResolution { bool run( Image &i ) const {...} };
class RotateImage          { bool run( Image &i ) const {...} };


vector< ImgOp > v;           // Compile error, ImgOp is not a type
vector< ImgOp< ImgOp1 > > v; // Only one type of operation :/



class AbstractImgOp
    ImageOp<T> * clone() const = 0;
    bool run( Image &i ) const = 0;

template< typename T >
class ImgOp : public AbstractImgOp
    // No modification, especially on the clone() method thanks to
    // the Covariant Return Type mechanism


vector< AbstractImgOp* > v;


AbstractImgOp *op1 = new AbstractImgOp;
    op1->w = ...; // Compile error, AbstractImgOp does not have
    op2->h = ...; // member named 'w' or 'h'

CheckImageSize *op1 = new CheckImageSize;
    op1->w = ...; // Fine
    op1->h = ...;
AbstractImgOp *op1Ptr = op1; // Compile error, CheckImageSize does not derive
                             // from AbstractImgOp? Confusing

CheckImageSize op1;
    op1.w = ...; // Fine
    op1.h = ...;
CheckImageResolution op2;
    // ...
v.push_back( new ImgOp< CheckImageSize >( op1 ) );       // Confusing!
v.push_back( new ImgOp< CheckImageResolution >( op2 ) ); // Argh


根据FredOverflow的解决方案,制作一个克隆指针,使框架更易于使用 但是,这个指针不需要被模板化,因为它只能保存一种类型的ptr - 只需要对ctor进行模板化:

class ImgOpCloner
    AbstractImgOp *ptr; // Ptr is mandatory to achieve polymorphic behavior
    ImgOpCloner & operator=( const ImgOpCloner & );
    template< typename T >
    ImgOpCloner( const T &t ) : ptr( new ImgOp< T >( t ) ) {}
    ImgOpCloner( const AbstractImgOp &other ) : ptr( other.ptr->clone() ) {}
    ~ImgOpCloner() { delete ptr; }
    AbstractImgOp * operator->() { return ptr; }
    AbstractImgOp & operator*() { return *ptr; }


CheckImageSize op1;
    op1.w = ...; // Fine
    op1.h = ...;
CheckImageResolution op2;
    // ...
vector< ImgOpCloner > v;
v.push_back( ImgOpCloner( op1 ) ); // This looks like a smart-ptr, this is not
v.push_back( ImgOpCloner( op2 ) ); // confusing anymore -- and intent is clear

答案 2 :(得分:1)


然后是深拷贝:[for loop]


std::vector<cloning_pointer<Base> > vec;
vec.push_back(cloning_pointer<Base>(new Derived()));

// objects are automatically cloned:
std::vector<cloning_pointer<Base> > vec2 = vec;

当然,在调整矢量或其他内容时,您不希望发生这些隐式副本,因此您需要能够区分副本和移动。这是cloning_pointer的C ++ 0x玩具实现,您可能需要根据自己的需要进行调整。

#include <algorithm>

template<class T>
class cloning_pointer
    T* p;


    explicit cloning_pointer(T* p)
        this->p = p;

        delete p;

    cloning_pointer(const cloning_pointer& that)
        p = that->clone();

    cloning_pointer(cloning_pointer&& that)
        p = that.p;
        that.p = 0;

    cloning_pointer& operator=(const cloning_pointer& that)
        T* q = that->clone();
        delete p;
        p = q;
        return *this;

    cloning_pointer& operator=(cloning_pointer&& that)
        std::swap(p, that.p);
        return *this;

    T* operator->() const
        return p;

    T& operator*() const
        return *p;

Julien:&&不是“ref ref”,它是一个rvalue引用,只能绑定到可修改的rvalues。请参阅此优秀(但遗憾的是略显过时)tutorialvideo,了解右值参考及其工作原理。