NSString *time = [self getCurrentDate];
NSLog(@"Current date :%@", time);
NSString *fromDate = @"10:00AM";
NSString *toDate = @"10:00PM";
NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"HH:mma"];
NSDate *fromTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:fromDate];
NSDate *toTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:toDate];
NSDate *nowTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:time];
NSComparisonResult result1 = [nowTime compare:fromTime];
NSComparisonResult result2 = [nowTime compare:toTime];
答案 0 :(得分:1)
NSDateComponents *calendarComponent = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSSecondCalendarUnit
fromDate:[NSDate date]];
NSInteger hour = [calendarComponent hour];
NSInteger minute = [calendarComponent minute];
NSInteger second = [calendarComponent second];
if (hour >= 4 && hour <= 16) { //16 means 12+4 = 4pm = 16hours
// 4am to 4pm
NSLog(@"4am to 4pm");
// 4pm to 4am
NSLog(@"4pm to 4am");
答案 1 :(得分:0)
NSString *aStrStartDate = @"10:00AM";
NSString *aStrEndDate = @"10:10PM";
NSDateFormatter *aDateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[aDateFormat setDateFormat:@"HH:mma"];
NSDate *aDateStart = [aDateFormat dateFromString:aStrStartDate];
NSDate *aDateEnd = [aDateFormat dateFromString:aStrEndDate];
NSTimeInterval aTimeInterval = [aDateEnd timeIntervalSinceDate:aDateStart];
NSLog(@"aTimeInterval: %f", aTimeInterval);
NSDate *aDateTimer = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:aTimeInterval];
NSDateFormatter *aDateFormat2 = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[aDateFormat2 setDateFormat:@"HH:mm:ss"];
[aDateFormat2 setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0.0]];
NSString *aStrFinalTimeInterval = [aDateFormat2 stringFromDate:aDateTimer];
NSLog(@"aStrFinalTimeInterval: %@",aStrFinalTimeInterval);
答案 2 :(得分:0)
NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[dateFormat setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"hh:mma"];
NSDate *now = [NSDate date]; // Current Date
NSString *time = [dateFormat stringFromDate:now];
NSString *fromDate = @"10:00AM";
NSString *toDate = @"11:00PM";
NSDate *fromTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:fromDate];
NSDate *toTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:toDate];
NSDate *nowTime = [dateFormat dateFromString:time];
NSDateComponents *fromComponents = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSSecondCalendarUnit fromDate:fromTime];
NSDateComponents *toComponents = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSSecondCalendarUnit fromDate:fromTime];
NSInteger fromHour = [fromComponents hour];
NSInteger toHour = [toComponents hour];
if (fromHour >= 4 && toHour <= 16) {
NSLog(@"4am to 4pm");
NSLog(@"4pm to 4am");