我正在尝试使Max Script可以将1个文件3Ds最大渲染为3个或更多文件图片大小。但我尝试了很多方法,没有任何代码可以帮助我做到这一点。
macroScript vrayStudioSetup category:"Multi Images" buttonText:"Multi-Images" tooltip:"Multi Images Setup"
rollout srsetup "Multi Images Setup" width:300 height:200
GroupBox grp2 "Output Size" pos:[5,15] width:120 height:84
checkbutton ckb_436 "436x380" pos:[15,35] width:100 height:15
checkbutton ckb_218 "218x190" pos:[15,55] width:100 height:15
radiobuttons rdo1 "Rendering Presets" pos:[160,15] width:90 height:62 labels:#("Low (Test)", "Medium (Test)", "High") default:1 columns:1
button btn_render "Render!" pos:[160,90] width:125 height:40
local sorigwidth = renderWidth
local sorigheight = renderHeight
fn setRenderResolution width height =
if (renderSceneDialog.isOpen()) then
renderHeight = height
renderWidth = width
renderHeight = height
renderWidth = width
fn applyRenderSettings settings =
for i = 1 to settings.count do
rString = "renderers.current." + settings[i]
execute rString
fn CollectSettings x =
renderMed = #(
"gi_on = true"
,"gi_refractCaustics = true"
,"gi_reflectCaustics = false"
,"gi_primary_type = 0"
,"gi_primary_multiplier = 1.0"
,"gi_secondary_type = 2"
,"gi_secondary_multiplier = 0.8"
,"gi_irradmap_minRate = -3"
,"gi_irradmap_maxRate = -1"
,"gi_irradmap_subdivs = 50"
,"gi_irradmap_interpSamples = 20"
,"gi_irradmap_colorThreshold = 0.4"
,"gi_irradmap_normalThreshold = 0.2"
,"gi_irradmap_distThreshold = 0.1"
,"adv_irradmap_calcInterpSamples = 15"
,"gi_irradmap_showCalcPhase = true"
,"dmcgi_subdivs = 10"
,"dmcgi_depth = 5"
,"dmc_importanceSampling = 1.0"
,"dmc_earlyTermination_amount = 0.85"
,"dmc_earlyTermination_threshold = 0.01"
,"dmc_earlyTermination_minSamples = 12"
,"dmc_subdivs_mult = 1"
,"imageSampler_type = 1"
,"twoLevel_baseSubdivs = 1"
,"twoLevel_fineSubdivs = 4"
,"twoLevel_useDMCSamplerThresh = true"
,"filter_on = true"
,"filter_kernel = Mitchell_Netravali()"
,"options_defaultLights = 0"
,"environment_gi_on = true"
,"environment_gi_color = [255,255,255]"
,"environment_gi_color_multiplier = 0.1"
,"environment_rr_on = true"
,"environment_rr_color = [0,0,0]"
,"environment_rr_color_multiplier = 1.0"
,"colorMapping_type = 1"
,"colorMapping_affectBackground = true"
,"colorMapping_clampOutput = true"
,"colorMapping_subpixel = true"
,"system_region_x = 64"
,"system_region_y =64"
renderHi = #(
"gi_on = true"
,"gi_refractCaustics = true"
,"gi_reflectCaustics = false"
,"gi_primary_type = 0"
,"gi_primary_multiplier = 1.0"
,"gi_secondary_type = 2"
,"gi_secondary_multiplier = 0.8"
,"gi_irradmap_minRate = -3"
,"gi_irradmap_maxRate = 0"
,"gi_irradmap_subdivs = 70"
,"gi_irradmap_interpSamples = 20"
,"gi_irradmap_colorThreshold = 0.3"
,"gi_irradmap_normalThreshold = 0.1"
,"gi_irradmap_distThreshold = 0.1"
,"adv_irradmap_calcInterpSamples = 10"
,"gi_irradmap_showCalcPhase = true"
,"dmcgi_subdivs = 30"
,"dmcgi_depth = 20"
,"dmc_importanceSampling = 1.0"
,"dmc_earlyTermination_amount = 0.5"
,"dmc_earlyTermination_threshold = 0.005"
,"dmc_earlyTermination_minSamples = 14"
,"dmc_subdivs_mult = 1.5"
,"imageSampler_type = 1"
,"twoLevel_baseSubdivs = 1"
,"twoLevel_fineSubdivs = 30"
,"twoLevel_useDMCSamplerThresh = true"
,"filter_on = true"
,"filter_kernel = Mitchell_Netravali()"
,"options_defaultLights = 0"
,"environment_gi_on = true"
,"environment_gi_color = [255,255,255]"
,"environment_gi_color_multiplier = 0.1"
,"environment_rr_on = true"
,"environment_rr_color = [0,0,0]"
,"environment_rr_color_multiplier = 1.0"
,"colorMapping_type = 1"
,"colorMapping_affectBackground = true"
,"colorMapping_clampOutput = true"
,"colorMapping_subpixel = true"
,"system_region_x = 64"
,"system_region_y =64"
case rdo1.state of
1: applyRenderSettings renderMed
2: applyRenderSettings renderHi
on ckb_436 changed state do
if state == on then
ckb_218.state = on
setRenderResolution 436 380
if state == off then
setRenderResolution sorigwidth sorigheight
on ckb_218 changed state do
if state == on then
ckb_436.state = on
setRenderResolution 218 190
if state == off then
setRenderResolution sorigwidth sorigheight
on btn_render pressed do
CollectSettings 0
max quick render
r_studio = newrolloutfloater "Render Pictures" 315 165
addRollout srsetup r_studio rolledUp:false
当我点击选择2尺寸的图片并点击渲染时,它只能制作一个图片尺寸。 我不确切知道它是如何工作的,因为我只是新人。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以简化" setRenderResolution"像这样的ei。不要关闭并打开渲染对话框来更新它。
fn setRenderResolution width height =
renderHeight = height
renderWidth = width