* Get a normalized vector from the center of the virtual ball O to a
* point P on the virtual ball surface, such that P is aligned on
* screen's (X,Y) coordinates. If (X,Y) is too far away from the
* sphere, return the nearest point on the virtual ball surface.
glm::vec3 get_arcball_vector(double x, double y) {
glm::vec3 P = glm::vec3(x,y,0);
float OP_squared = P.x * P.x + P.y * P.y;
if (OP_squared <= arcballRadius*arcballRadius)
P.z = sqrt(arcballRadius*arcballRadius - OP_squared); // Pythagore
static int i;
std::cout << i++ << "Nearest point" << std::endl;
P = glm::normalize(P); // nearest point
return P;
//get two vectors, one for the previous point and one for the current point
glm::vec3 va = glm::normalize(get_arcball_vector(prevMousePos.x, prevMousePos.y)); //previous point
glm::vec3 vb = glm::normalize(get_arcball_vector(mousePos.x, mousePos.y)); //current point
float angle = acos(glm::dot(va, vb)); //angle between those two vectors based on dot product
//since these axes are in camera coordinates they must be converted before applied to the object
glm::vec3 axis_in_camera_coord = glm::cross(va, vb);
glm::mat3 camera2object = glm::inverse(glm::mat3(viewMatrix) * glm::mat3(cube.modelMatrix));
glm::vec3 axis_in_object_coord = camera2object * axis_in_camera_coord;
//apply rotation to cube's matrix
cube.modelMatrix = glm::rotate(cube.modelMatrix, angle, axis_in_object_coord);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
P.S。:查看我的arcball rotation code on codereview.SE.它没有混乱acos和轴角度,只能标准化两次。