
时间:2014-12-08 00:47:18

标签: haskell monad-transformers state-monad


{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import System.Console.Haskeline

main =  runStateT (runInputT defaultSettings loop) ""

check ma b fb = maybe b fb ma

commands :: (MonadState String m, MonadIO m) => [(String, [String] -> InputT m ())]
commands = [ ("set", performSet), ("get", performGet) ]

performSet args = lift $ put (head args)
performGet _ = do v <- lift get; outputStrLn $ "v = " ++ show v

loop :: (MonadException m, MonadState String m) => InputT m ()
loop = do
   minput <- getInputLine "% "
   check minput (return ()) $ \inp -> do
     let args = words inp
     case args of
       [] -> loop
       (arg0:argv) -> do
         case lookup arg0 commands of
           Nothing      -> do outputStrLn "huh?"; loop
           Just handler -> do handler argv; loop

列表commands包含所有已识别的命令 - (名称,处理程序)对。我想使用如下表达式获取名称列表:

commandNames = map fst commands

但类型检查器抱怨&#34;由于使用'命令'而导致的(MonadState String m0)没有实例 - 类型变量'm0'是不明确的......&#34;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

commands是多态的,它有一个类型变量m,但commandNames :: [String]没有任何类型变量。这意味着(除了一些内置默认值)类型推断无法推断commands的类型变量。你可以做两件事。您可以为commands自己提供

commandNames :: [String]
commandNames = map fst (commands :: [(String, [String] -> InputT (StateT String IO) ())])


commandNames :: [String]
commandNames = ["set", "get"]

commands :: (MonadState String m, MonadIO m) => [(String, [String] -> InputT m ())]
commands = zip commandNames [performSet, performGet]