
时间:2014-11-27 13:54:58

标签: c# rendering custom-controls


我有一个名为Toggleswitch(tsw)的c#4客户端配置文件的控件。这个toggleswitch的设计就像地铁开关一样,这很棒......直到它被添加到Tap控件/ Tap页面然后:

  • 渲染行为很奇怪,没有正确地绘制背景,并且没有显示开/关标签。这也会影响其他控件,就像整个表单不会被绘制一样。

  • VS 2010和2013设计编辑器属性字段也冻结,因此我无法访问其他控件

  • 如果保持正常,程序将无法构建......基本上已经崩溃了VS ..



  • tsw扩展Buttonbase以获得可点击性。所以我把它改为控制然后OnPaint被无限循环调用,这样就没有帮助,点击也不起作用,但现在不那么重要了

  • 我延长了按钮,没有任何帮助仍然很奇怪

  • 覆盖按钮和按钮库中的每一个方法,看看是否仍然没有帮助。

  • 在查看表单设计器后,我发现改变的唯一属性是UseVisualStyleBackColor,当它为false时它会正常工作,所以我做了一个覆盖,强制它是假的,仍然没有工作:/

  • 我甚至尝试删除了部分关键字。

  • 我花了半天时间阅读关于点按和按钮控制的defriend方法

  • 甚至找到了一个自定义控件测试按钮的扩展,工作正常,但没有理由,因为唯一不同于我能看到的OnPaint中有关某些渲染的if语句。



public partial class ToggleSwith : ButtonBase
        object _Lock = new object();
        private Color _OffColor = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;
        private Color _OnColor = Color.LimeGreen;
        private bool _ColorText = false;
        // private bool _BeenDrawn = false;
        private bool _Checked = false;

        public override string Text { get { return null; } }
        public override bool AutoSize{get{return false;}}
        public override ContentAlignment TextAlign { get { return ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; } }
        public virtual Color OffColor { get { return _OffColor; } set { _OffColor = value; Invalidate(); } }
        public virtual Color OnColor { get { return _OnColor; } set { _OnColor = value; Invalidate(); } }
        public virtual bool ColorText { get { return _ColorText; } set { _ColorText = value; Invalidate(); } }
        public virtual bool Checked { get { return _Checked; } set { _Checked = value; Invalidate(); } }
        new public bool UseVisualStyleBackColor { get { return false; } set{} }

        protected override Size DefaultSize { get { return new Size(80, 18); } }
        protected override Size DefaultMinimumSize { get { return new Size(40, 13); } }

        public event EventHandler ToggleChanged;

        public ToggleSwith()
            this.Size = new Size(80, 18);
            this.Click += ToggleSwith_Click;

        void ToggleSwith_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lock (_Lock)
                if (_Checked) _Checked = false;
                else _Checked = true;

        private void OnToggleChanged()
            if (ToggleChanged != null)
                EventArgs ea = new EventArgs();
                ToggleChanged(this, ea);

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            int toggleblocsize=(int)this.Size.Width/8;
            int indent = 23;
            int labelx = 2;
            // Declare and instantiate a new pen.
            SolidBrush OffPen = new SolidBrush(this.OffColor);
            SolidBrush OnPen = new SolidBrush(this.OnColor);
            SolidBrush BackgroundPen = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor);
            SolidBrush BlackPen = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlText);
            Pen ControlDarkPen = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark);
            Pen ControlPen = new Pen(SystemColors.Control);
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(BackgroundPen,0, 0, this.Size.Width,this.Size.Height);
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(ControlDarkPen, indent, -0, this.Size.Width - (indent+1), this.Size.Height-1);
            Label l = new Label();
            l.Font = this.Font;
            l.Size = new Size((indent-labelx),this.Size.Height);

            // if(this.Size.Height <13)l.Location= new Point(labelx,-1);
            //  else l.Location = new Point(labelx, 0);

            l.TextAlign = TextAlign;
            l.ForeColor = this.ForeColor;

            if (this._Checked)
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(OnPen, (indent + 2), 2, this.Size.Width - (indent + 4), this.Size.Height - 4);
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(ControlPen, this.Size.Width - (toggleblocsize+1), -0, this.Size.Width - (indent + 1), this.Size.Height - 1);
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(BlackPen, this.Size.Width - (toggleblocsize), -1, this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height + 1);
                if (ColorText) l.ForeColor = OnColor;
                l.Text = "On";
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(OffPen, (indent + 2), 2, this.Size.Width - (indent + 4), this.Size.Height - 4);
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(ControlPen, indent , -0, (toggleblocsize + 1), this.Size.Height - 1);
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(BlackPen, (indent+1) , -1,(toggleblocsize), this.Size.Height + 1);
                if (ColorText) l.ForeColor = this.ForeColor;
                l.Text = "Off";

        public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size proposedSize)
            return new Size(80, 18);





here is how it should Work


this is with a tap on normal.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



   public class ToggleSwith : Control

并且on paint事件已更改为此

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
        int toggleblocsize = (int)this.Size.Width / 6;
        int indent = 23;
        int labelx = 2;
        // Declare and instantiate a new pen.
        SolidBrush OffPen = new SolidBrush(this.OffColor);
        SolidBrush OnPen = new SolidBrush(this.OnColor);
        Rectangle texttangle = new Rectangle(new Point(labelx, 0), new Size(indent - labelx, this.Size.Height));

        SolidBrush BackgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(this.Parent.BackColor);
        SolidBrush ToggleBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlText);
        SolidBrush TextBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlText);
        Pen ControlDarkPen = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark);
        Pen ControlPen = new Pen(SystemColors.Control);
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(BackgroundBrush, 0, 0, this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height);
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(BackColor), indent, 0, this.Size.Width - indent, this.Size.Height);
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(ControlDarkPen, indent, -0, this.Size.Width - (indent + 1), this.Size.Height - 1);
        if (!this.Enabled)
            OffPen = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control);
            OnPen = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control);
            ToggleBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlDark);
            TextBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control);
        if (this._Checked)
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(OnPen, (indent + 2), 2, this.Size.Width - (indent + 4), this.Size.Height - 4);
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(ControlPen, this.Size.Width - (toggleblocsize + 1), -0, this.Size.Width - (indent + 1), this.Size.Height - 1);
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(ToggleBrush, this.Size.Width - (toggleblocsize), -1, this.Size.Width, this.Size.Height + 1);
            if (ColorText && this.Enabled) TextBrush = new SolidBrush(OnColor);//_label.ForeColor = OnColor;
            // _label.Text = "On";
            // Draw string to screen.
            TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, OnText, this.Font, texttangle, TextBrush.Color, this.Parent.BackColor,
                                TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter |
                                TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter |
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(OffPen, (indent + 2), 2, this.Size.Width - (indent + 4), this.Size.Height - 4);
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(ControlPen, indent, -0, (toggleblocsize + 1), this.Size.Height - 1);
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(ToggleBrush, (indent + 1), -1, (toggleblocsize), this.Size.Height + 1);
            if (ColorText && this.Enabled) TextBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlText);
            // Draw string to screen.
            TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, OffText, this.Font, texttangle, TextBrush.Color, this.Parent.BackColor,
                            TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter |
                            TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter |
