row.names row day Tx Hx Tn
1 61 61 30 31.9 36.85 19.1
2 84 84 23 33.5 43.07 20.3
3 85 85 24 31.5 39.82 19.2
4 94 94 2 30.9 41.36 20.0
5 99 99 7 34.0 43.17 21.6
6 101 101 9 34.4 42.45 21.0
7 131 131 8 30.1 38.52 19.6
8 132 132 9 30.7 38.35 21.0
的新矩阵中 2001
Tmax >= 30 & Tmin >= 19 61, 84, 85, 94, 99, 101, 131, 132
June 30
July 23, 24
August 2, 7, 9
September 8, 9
所以我希望列行的内容保存在第一个单元格中。对于Tx,Hx和Tn进行了153天的测试,5月1日 - 9月30日,因此日期列对应于该月的某天。因此,对于列行数,1-31是5月,32-61是6月,依此类推。我希望将当天的列号保存在他们这个月的正确单元格中。
如果您需要任何其他信息,请告知我们, 谢谢, 尼克
答案 0 :(得分:2)
dat <- read.table(header = TRUE, text="row.names row day Tx Hx Tn
1 61 61 30 31.9 36.85 19.1
2 84 84 23 33.5 43.07 20.3
3 85 85 24 31.5 39.82 19.2
4 94 94 2 30.9 41.36 20.0
5 99 99 7 34.0 43.17 21.6
6 101 101 9 34.4 42.45 21.0
7 131 131 8 30.1 38.52 19.6
8 132 132 9 30.7 38.35 21.0")
## creating a column for the months and pasting the days by month
dat <- within(dat, {
m <- cut(row, breaks = c(0, 31, 61, 91, 121, Inf), labels = month.abb[5:9])
ms <- ave(dat$day, m, FUN = function(x) paste(x, collapse = ', '))
# 'Tmax >= 30 & Tmin >= 19' <- paste(row, collapse = ', ')
## creating the final data frame to merge into
dat1 <- data.frame(' ' = c('Tmax >= 30 & Tmin >= 19', month.abb[5:9]),
'2001' = c(paste(dat$row, collapse = ', '), rep(NA, 5)),
check.names = FALSE)
dat1 <- merge(dat1, dat[!duplicated(dat[c('m','ms')]), c('m','ms')],
by.x = ' ', by.y = 'm', all = TRUE)
## combining the two columns and some clean-up
dat1 <- within(dat1, {
'2001' <- gsub('NA', '', paste(`2001`, ms))
ms <- NULL
' ' <- factor(` `, levels = c('Tmax >= 30 & Tmin >= 19', month.abb[5:9]))
## and ordering the rows as desired
dat1[with(dat1, order(` `)), ]
# 2001
# 6 Tmax >= 30 & Tmin >= 19 61, 84, 85, 94, 99, 101, 131, 132
# 4 May
# 3 Jun 30
# 2 Jul 23, 24
# 1 Aug 2, 7, 9
# 5 Sep 8, 9
答案 1 :(得分:0)
stn[1,1] <- toString(temp_warnings$row)
stn[2,1] <- toString((subset(temp_warnings, row <= 31))$day)
stn[3,1] <- toString((subset(temp_warnings, 31 < row & row <= 61))$day)
stn[4,1] <- toString((subset(temp_warnings, 61 < row & row <= 92))$day)
stn[5,1] <- toString((subset(temp_warnings, 92 < row & row <= 123))$day)
stn[6,1] <- toString((subset(temp_warnings, 123 < row))$day)