
时间:2010-04-24 12:56:36

标签: clojure refs



(defstruct card :rank :suit :face-up)


(defstruct tableau :stacks :complete)

其中:stacks是卡片向量的向量,其中4个面朝下,1张面朝下,其中6张面朝下,1张面朝下,1张面朝上,总共54张牌, :complete是完成的ace-king组的(最初)空向量(例如,表示为王心,用于打印目的)。 undealt deck的其余部分应保存在ref

(def deck (ref seq))


(struct-map tableau
  :stacks [[AH 2C KS ...]
           [6D QH JS ...]
  :complete [KC KS])

其中“AH”是一张包含{:rank:ace:suit:hearts:face-up false}等的卡片。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


(def suits [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades])
(def suit-names
  {:clubs "C" :diamonds "D"
   :hearts "H" :spades "S"})

(def ranks
  (reduce into (replicate 2
    [:ace :two :three :four :five :six :seven :eight :nine :ten :jack :queen :king])))
(def rank-names
  {:ace "A" :two "2"
   :three "3" :four "4"
   :five "5" :six "6"
   :seven "7" :eight "8"
   :nine "9" :ten "T"
   :jack "J" :queen "Q"
   :king "K"})

(defn card-name
  [card show-face-down]
    [rank (rank-names (:rank card))
     suit (suit-names (:suit card))
     face-down (:face-down card)]
        (.toLowerCase (str rank suit))
      (str rank suit))))

(defn suit-seq
  "Return 4 suits:
  if number-of-suits == 1: :clubs :clubs :clubs :clubs
  if number-of-suits == 2: :clubs :diamonds :clubs :diamonds
  if number-of-suits == 4: :clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades."
  (take 4 (cycle (take number-of-suits suits))))

(defstruct card :rank :suit :face-down)

(defn unshuffled-deck
  "Create an unshuffled deck containing all cards from the number of suits specified."
    [rank ranks suit (suit-seq number-of-suits)]
    (struct card rank suit true)))

(defn shuffled-deck
  "Create a shuffled deck containing all cards from the number of suits specified."
  (shuffle (unshuffled-deck number-of-suits)))

(defn deal-one-stack
  "Deals a stack of n cards and returns a vector containing the new stack and the rest of the deck."
  [n deck]
    [stack []
     current n
     rest-deck deck]
    (if (<= current 0)
              (rest stack)
                [{rank :rank suit :suit} (first stack)]
                (struct card rank suit false)))))
      (recur (conj stack (first rest-deck)) (dec current) (rest rest-deck)))))

(def current-deck (ref (shuffled-deck 4)))

(defn deal-initial-tableau
  "Deals the initial tableau and returns it. Sets the @deck to the remainder of the deck after dealing."
      [stacks []
       current 10
       rest-deck @current-deck]
      (if (<= current 0)
        (let [t (struct tableau (reverse stacks) [])
              r rest-deck]
          (ref-set current-deck r)
          [n (if (<= current 4) 6 5)
           [s r] (deal-one-stack n rest-deck)]
          (recur (vec (conj stacks s)) (dec current) r))))))

(defstruct tableau :stacks :complete)

(defn pretty-print-tableau
  [tableau show-face-down]
    [{stacks :stacks complete :complete} tableau]
    (apply str
        [row (range 0 6)]
          (apply str
              [stack stacks]
                [card (nth stack row nil)]
                    (nil? card)
                    "  "
                    (card-name card show-face-down)) " "))))

答案 1 :(得分:0)


;; note the built-in assumption that s contains enough items;
;; if it doesn't, one chunk less then requested will be produced
(defn take-chunks [chunks size s]
  (map vec (partition size (take (* chunks size) s))))

;; as above, no effort is made to handle short sequences in some special way;
;; for a short input sequence, an empty output sequence will be returned
(defn drop-chunks [chunks size s]
  (drop (* chunks size) s))


(defn split-chunks [chunks size s]
  [(take-chunks chunks size s)
   (drop-chunks chunks size s)])

假设每张卡最初都是{:face-up false},您可以使用以下功能打开堆叠中的最后一张卡片:

(defn turn-last-card [stack]
  (update-in stack [(dec (count stack)) :face-up] not))


(defn deal-initial-stacks [deck]
    (let [[short-stacks remaining] (split-chunks 6 5 deck)
          [long-stacks remaining] (split-chunks 4 6 remaining)]
       (vec (map turn-last-card
                 (concat short-stacks long-stacks)))])))



(dosync (let [[new-deck stacks] (deal-initial-stacks @deck-ref)]
          (ref-set deck-ref new-deck)

更好的是,将游戏的整个状态保持在一个参考或原子中并从ref-set切换到alter / swap!(我将使用参考这个例子,省略dosync并将alter切换为swap!以使用原子代替):

;; the empty vector is for the stacks
(def game-state-ref (ref [(get-initial-deck) []]))

;; deal-initial-stacks only takes a deck as an argument,
;; but the fn passed to alter will receive a vector of [deck stacks];
;; the (% 0) bit extracts the first item of the vector,
;; that is, the deck; you could instead change the arguments
;; vector of deal-initial-stacks to [[deck _]] and pass the
;; modified deal-initial-stacks to alter without wrapping in a #(...)
(dosync (alter game-state-ref #(deal-initial-stacks (% 0))))

免责声明:这一切都没有得到最轻微的测试关注(虽然我认为它应该可以正常工作,模拟我可能错过的任何愚蠢的错别字)。不过,这是你的练习,所以我认为将测试/抛光部分留给你是好的。 : - )