from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import matplotlib.animation as animation
#Set Helvetica Font
## for Palatino and other serif fonts use:
rc('text', usetex=True)
class wave1d(object):
def __init__(self,width,T,nx,nt,c):
self.x = np.linspace(-0.5*width,0.5*width,nx)
self.t = np.linspace(0,T,nt+1)
self.dx = self.x[1]-self.x[0]
self.dt = self.t[1]-self.t[0]
self.xx = self.x
# Gamma_x squared
self.gx2 = c*self.dt/self.dx
# 2*(1-gamma_x^2-gamma_y^2)
self.gamma = 2*(1 - self.gx2)
def solve(self,ffun,gfun):
f = ffun(self.xx)
g = gfun(self.xx)
u = np.zeros((nx,nt+1))
# Set initial condition
u[:,0] = f
""" Compute first time step """
u[:,1] = 0.5*self.gamma*f+self.dt*g
u[1:-1,1] += 0.5*self.gx2*(f[2:]+f[:-2])
for k in range(1,nt):
# Every point contains these terms
u[:,k+1] = self.gamma*u[:,k] - u[:,k-1]
# Interior points
u[1:-1,k+1] += self.gx2*(u[2:,k]+u[:-2,k])
# Right boundary
u[-1,k+1] += 2*self.gx2*u[-2,k]
# Left boundary
u[0,k+1] += 2*self.gx2*u[1,k]
return u
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Final time
T = 2
# Domain dimensions
width = 8
# Wave speed
c = 1
# Number of time steps
nt = 400
# Grid points in x direction
nx = 500
wave_eq = wave1d(width,T,nx,nt,c)
# Initial value functions
f = lambda x: np.sin(x-width)
g = lambda x: 0
u = wave_eq.solve(f,g)
x = wave_eq.x
frames = []
fig = plt.figure(1,(16,8))
for k in range(nt+1):
frame = plt.show(u[:,k])
ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig,frames,interval=50, blit=True,repeat_delay=1000)
# ani.save('wave1d.mp4',dpi=300)