
时间:2014-11-18 22:22:51

标签: vba runtime-error outlook-addin outlook-vba

我继承了一些VBA,用于将Outlook中文件夹中的电子邮件转储到SQL数据库中。我有第一个Sub()工作,但是当我运行脚本时,下面的函数给了我一个" VBA运行时错误5"。我无法弄清楚为什么它会抛出错误,它看起来像一般错误。我想帮助调试这个。错误与行(从底部6行):  GetText =替换(修剪(中(身体,s + l,ml)),"'","''")


Function GetText(ByVal body As String, ByVal start_ As String, ByVal end_ As String, ByVal maxlength As Double) As String
'return the text in the range, less the start_ text itself.  Also checks for "--- End Of Report ---" in addition to the end_ value.
'returns '' if not found
'limit size to maxlength, unless it is -1 which means no limit
Dim l, s, e, ml As Double
GetText = ""
'check that we have the starting value
s = InStr(1, body, start_)
If s > 0 Then
    l = Len(start_)
    'get the location of the end_.  If 0, get End Of Report location
    e = InStr(1, body, end_)
    If e = 0 Then
    Select Case start_
    Case "ADDRESS:", "NETWORK:", "EMAIL:"
        end_ = "SECURITY TYPE:"
    Case "USER:"
        end_ = "EMAIL:"
    Case "DISK:"
        end_ = "CULTURE:"
    Case "CULTURE:"
        end_ = "USER:"
    Case "OS:"
        end_ = "CLR:"
    Case "HARDWARE:"
        end_ = "ENVIRONMENT:"
    Case "XMR:"
        end_ = "CPU:"
    Case "ARGS:"
        end_ = "RIGHTS:"
        end_ = "DISK:"
    Case "BUILD:"
        end_ = "HARDWARE:"
        end_ = "--- End Of Report ---"
    End Select
    e = InStr(1, body, end_)
        If e = 0 Then
            Select Case start_
                Case "USER:"
                    end_ = "SECURITY TYPE:"
                Case "HARDWARE:"
                    end_ = "MEMORY:"
                Case "CULTURE:", "EMAIL:", "NETWORK:"
                    end_ = "SECURITY:"
            End Select
            e = InStr(1, body, end_)
            If e = 0 Then
            Select Case start_
                Case "HARDWARE:"
                    end_ = "DISK:"
                Case "USER:"
                    end_ = "SECURITY:"
            End Select
            e = InStr(1, body, end_)
        End If
        End If
    End If
    If e = 0 Then
        e = InStr(1, body, "!!!EXCEPTION ENCOUNTERED!!!")
        If e = 0 Then e = InStr(1, body, "--- End Of Report ---")
    End If
    ml = e - s - l 'the length of the returning text
    If maxlength > -1 And ml > maxlength Then
      '  MsgBox "Hit"
        ml = maxlength
    End If
    GetText = Replace(Trim(Mid(body, s + l, ml)), "'", "''")
    If ml = 1000000 Then
        GetText = GetText & "[truncated]"
    End If
End If
End Function

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我做了一些代码更改,主要是为了在 start_ text的结束位置之后查找end_ 。还添加了一些Case Else,应该针对更糟糕的情况进行编码。也许你可以将Debug.Print放到那些内容中,看看事情是如何通过尝试为你的开始获得一个合适的结束_的顺序进行处理的。

Function GetText(ByVal bdy As String, ByVal start_ As String, ByVal end_ As String, ByVal mxlength As Long) As String
    Dim l As Long, s As Long, e As Long, ml As Long
    'GetText = "" unnecessary and GetText = vbnullstring would be better

    s = InStr(1, bdy, start_, vbTextCompare)  'case insensitive just-in-case
    If CBool(s) Then
        l = Len(start_)
        e = InStr(l + s, bdy, end_, vbTextCompare) 'start looking AFTER the start_ text
        If Not CBool(e) Then    'I prefer booleans instead of e = 0
            Select Case UCase(start_)   'UCase just to be sure
                Case "ADDRESS:", "NETWORK:", "EMAIL:"
                    end_ = "SECURITY TYPE:"
                Case "USER:"
                    end_ = "EMAIL:"
                Case "DISK:"
                    end_ = "CULTURE:"
                Case "CULTURE:"
                    end_ = "USER:"
                Case "OS:"
                    end_ = "CLR:"
                Case "HARDWARE:"
                    end_ = "ENVIRONMENT:"
                Case "XMR:"
                    end_ = "CPU:"
                Case "ARGS:"
                    end_ = "RIGHTS:"
                Case "MEMORY:", "ENVIRONMENT:"
                    end_ = "DISK:"
                Case "BUILD:"
                    end_ = "HARDWARE:"
                Case "!!!EXCEPTION ENCOUNTERED!!!"
                    end_ = "--- End Of Report ---"
                Case Else
                    end_ = "--- End Of Report ---"  'should always have a worse-case plan
            End Select
        End If
        If Not CBool(e) Then _
            e = InStr(l + s, bdy, end_, vbTextCompare)  ' again, start looking for end_ AFTER start_
        If Not CBool(e) Then
            Select Case start_
                Case "USER:"
                    end_ = "SECURITY TYPE:"
                Case "HARDWARE:"
                    end_ = "MEMORY:"
                Case "CULTURE:", "EMAIL:", "NETWORK:"
                    end_ = "SECURITY:"
                Case Else
                    end_ = "--- End Of Report ---"  'should always have a worse-case plan
            End Select
        End If
        If Not CBool(e) Then _
            e = InStr(l + s, bdy, end_, vbTextCompare)  ' again, start looking for end_ AFTER start_
        If Not CBool(e) Then
            Select Case start_
                Case "HARDWARE:"
                    end_ = "DISK:"
                Case "USER:"
                    end_ = "SECURITY:"
                Case Else
                    end_ = "--- End Of Report ---"  'should always have a worse-case plan
            End Select
        End If
        If Not CBool(e) Then _
            e = InStr(l + s, bdy, end_, vbTextCompare)  ' again, start looking for end_ AFTER start_
        If Not CBool(e) Then
            e = InStr(1, bdy, "!!!EXCEPTION ENCOUNTERED!!!", vbTextCompare) 'look for this from the very start
            If Not CBool(e) Then _
                e = InStr(l + s, bdy, "--- End Of Report ---", vbTextCompare)  ' again, start looking for end_ AFTER start_
        End If
        ml = e - (l + s) 'the length of the returning text
        If mxlength > -1 And ml > mxlength Then
          '  MsgBox "Hit"
            ml = mxlength
        End If
        'you didn't calculate on trimmed text so don't trim until after the Mid parse
        GetText = Trim(Replace(Mid(bdy, s + l, ml), "'", "''"))
        If ml = 1000000 Then
            GetText = GetText & "[truncated]"
        End If
    End If

End Function


答案 1 :(得分:0)




Dim s As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim ml As Long

Dim bodyPart As String
bodyPart = Mid(body, s + l, ml)

Dim bodyPartTrimmed As String
bodyPartTrimmed = Trim(bodyPart)

Dim bodyPartTrimmedFinal As String
bodyPartTrimmedFinal = Replace(bodyPartTrimmed, "'", "''")

GetText = bodyPartTrimmedFinal


Dim bodyPart As String
If (s + l) <= 0 Then _
    Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid arguments for Mid function. Start position must be greater then zero"

If ml < 0 Then _
    Err.Raise 5, , "Invalid arguments for Mid function. Length must be greater then or equal to zero"

bodyPart = Mid(body, s + l, ml)