所以首先我通过转到数据库工具下的移动数据部分,几次点击并将所有数据自动迁移到sql,将所有数据库从访问权限移到了sql。 第二次我试图在c sharp 第三中模拟获取表单上的访问表单我看到几个按钮基本上是直接从表中读取数据所以我创建了一个带有数据的模态表单网格并从我的主窗体调用模态窗体,并加载了数据库中的数据。
我在访问应用程序中有很多查询,并且每个查询都被另一个查询引用,似乎查询就像访问中的表一样,我不知道如何在SQL Server中完成此操作,如果我让查询工作我可以创建一个没有任何问题的报告。
SELECT [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Unit UPC Base Item], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Item Description], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Production Line], [Production Lines].[Production Line Description], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Preset Number], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Weight Factor], [Net Weight Master Data Query].Piece, [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Pcs Per Unit], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Upper Limit Unit], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Upper Limit Factor], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Piece Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Upper Limit (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Lower Limit (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Label Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Tare Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Constant Tare Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Tare Variation Factor (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Target Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Reject Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Repair Min Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[MAV (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[MAW (g)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Pkg Length (mm)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Film Product Code], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Film Width (mm)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Forming Tube (mm)], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Type of Jaws], [Overpack Percentages].[Std RM $/LB], [Overpack Percentages].[Avg Overpack Percentage], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Last Updated]
FROM ([Net Weight Master Data Query] LEFT JOIN [Production Lines] ON [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Production Line] = [Production Lines].[Production Line]) LEFT JOIN [Overpack Percentages] ON [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Unit UPC Base Item] = [Overpack Percentages].[Unit UPC Base Item]
ORDER BY [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Unit UPC Base Item], [Net Weight Master Data Query].[Production Line];
SELECT [Net Weight Master Data].[Unit UPC Base Item], [Item Descriptions].[Item Description], [Net Weight Master Data].[Production Line], [Production Lines].[Production Line Description], [Net Weight Master Data].[Preset Number], [Net Weight Master Data].[Package Type], [Net Weight Master Data].[Weight Factor], [Net Weight Master Data].Piece, [Net Weight Master Data].[Pcs Per Unit], [Net Weight Master Data].[Upper Limit Unit], [Net Weight Master Data].[Upper Limit Factor], IIf([upper limit unit]="g","",(CInt(([label wt (g)]/[Pcs per unit])*10))/10) AS [Piece Wt (g)], ([mav (g)]-[scale deviation factor]-[tare variation factor (g)])/[weight factor] AS UL1, [UL1]-Fix([UL1]) AS UL2, IIf([Package Type] Is Not Null,[UL1],IIf([UL2]=0,Fix([UL1]),IIf([UL2]>0 And [UL2]<0.51,Fix([UL1])+[Rounding Factor1],Fix([UL1])+[rounding factor2]))) AS UL3, IIf([Package Type]="Bar",10,IIf([upper limit unit]="g",([UL3]*[weight factor]),[piece wt (g)]*[Upper Limit Factor])) AS [Upper Limit (g)], IIf([upper limit unit]="g",([UL3]*[weight factor]),0) AS [Lower Limit (g)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Label Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Tare Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Constant Tare Wt (g)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Tare Variation Factor (g)], [Label Wt (g)]+[tare wt (g)] AS [Target Wt (g)], [label wt (g)]-[lower limit (g)] AS [Reject Wt (g)], IIf([package type]="Bar",([Label Wt (g)]-[mav (g)]+[tare wt (g)]),IIf([package type]="10 Pack",([Label Wt (g)]-[mav (g)]+[tare wt (g)])+2.5,([Label WT (g)]-[mav (g)]+[tare wt (g)])+5)) AS [Repair Min Wt (g)], [Maximum Allowable Variations].[MAV (g)], [Production Lines].[Scale Deviation Factor], [label wt (g)]-[mav (g)] AS [MAW (g)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Pkg Length (mm)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Film Product Code], [Net Weight Master Data].[Film Width (mm)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Forming Tube (mm)], [Net Weight Master Data].[Type of Jaws], [Net Weight Master Data].[Last Updated], [Production Lines].[Rounding Factor1], [Production Lines].[Rounding Factor2]
FROM (([Net Weight Master Data] LEFT JOIN [Production Lines] ON [Net Weight Master Data].[Production Line] = [Production Lines].[Production Line]) INNER JOIN [Maximum Allowable Variations] ON [Net Weight Master Data].[Label Wt (g)] = [Maximum Allowable Variations].[Labeled Quantity (g)]) LEFT JOIN [Item Descriptions] ON [Net Weight Master Data].[Unit UPC Base Item] = [Item Descriptions].[Unit UPC Base Item]
ORDER BY [Net Weight Master Data].[Unit UPC Base Item], [Net Weight Master Data].[Production Line];
SELECT ItemDescLookups.[Unit UPC Base Item], First(ItemDescLookups.[Item Description]) AS [Item Description]
FROM ItemDescLookups
GROUP BY ItemDescLookups.[Unit UPC Base Item];
答案 0 :(得分:1)
A&#34;查询&#34;在Access中对应于&#34; View&#34;在SQL Server中。就像在Access中一样,SQL Server View通常可以像其他视图中的表一样使用,所以在SQL Server中你可以拥有
SELECT ... FROM Table1 WHERE ...
至于Access SQL和T-SQL(SQL Server使用的方言)之间的差异,有几种,在Stack Overflow上已经讨论了很多次。您需要做的是尝试将SQL语句从Access SQL转换为T-SQL,如果您遇到特定问题,那么