
时间:2014-11-13 15:10:20

标签: vba loops dictionary data-structures access-vba










RecordID | Gift_Assignment | Priority |   Name      | Preference_1 | Preference_2 |... Preference_n

   001                          1        John          Sled         Racecar                      
   002                          1        Jane          Racecar      Television
   003                          1        Joe           Mobile       Jacuzzi   
   004                          1        Moe           PS4          Xbox
   005                          2        Sam           Laptop       PS4
   006                          2        Alek          Laptop       PS4
   007                          3        Paul          Jacuzzi      Xbox
   008                          3        Nicky         Racecar      Television 


ItemID | Number_in_stock 

 Laptop         4             
 PS4            4
 Xbox           4
 Television     4



Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim GiftInvDict As New Scripting.dictionary

Set db = CurrentDb()

Set rsInv = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT ItemID, Number_in_stock FROM tbl_Inventory")
While Not rsInv.EOF
    GiftsInvDict.Add Cstr(rsInv!ItemID), CInt(rsInv!Number_in_stock)

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Gift_Assignments WHERE Priority =1"

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Do Until rs.EOF
    With rs
    'Process for each preferred item
    'Path #1_step_a: If preferred item is not in dictionary
        If Not GiftsInvDict.Exists(Cstr(rs!Preference_1)) Then
            ' Path #1_step_b: Add it to dictionary, with value of 0
            GiftsInvDict.Add Cstr(rsInv!Preference_1), 0 Then
            ' Path #1_step_c: Don't know how to tell it to jump
            ' to next preference
        End If
        ' Path #2_step_a: If preferred item is actually in dictionary
        ElseIf GiftInvDict.Exists(Cstr(rs!Preference_1)) Then
            ' Path #2_step_b: Check that the inventory is greater than 0
            If GiftsInvDict(Cstr(rs!Preference_1)) > 0 Then
                ' Path #2_step_c: If inventory greater than 0, change
                ''Gift_Assignment' value to preference
            !Gift_Assignment = rs!Preference_1
            GiftsInvDict(!Preference_1) = GiftsInvDict(!Preference_1) - 1
            End If 
        'End of process for each preferred item 

        'Do the process again for 'Preference_2....Preference_N' until all preferences
        'are checked

        'If, after each preference has been through the process, preferred gifts cannot be assigned 
        'assign 'No_Gift_Available' value to 'Gift_Assignment' field
            !Gift_Assignment = "No_Gift_Available"
        End If
    End With


Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



  1. 修改您的查询以从tbl_GiftAssignments中选择ALL并按优先级排序。这样你就可以在一个循环中处理所有内容。
  2. 不确定有多少'偏好'你将拥有的字段,但是如果超过三个(或者它会改变),那么我建议在' Do While'中创建一个循环。这会旋转每一列。
  3. 我在最后添加了代码以更新库存计数,但不喜欢这种方法。我觉得它应该在礼品分配更新发生的同时发生。如果这个崩溃了,你将有一个皇家混乱。
  4. 我没有添加任何代码来向表中添加新项目。不确定这是不是你想要的。
  5. 最后,在处理Dictionary以添加新项目时存在一个错误。如果' Racecar'没有被发现,它被添加了,但是下次当有人寻找' Racecar'时,它又被添加了!!
  6. 终于(真的,最后)......你可以删除我所有的' Debug.Print'语句
  7. 以下是代码:

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Sub Assign_Gifts()
    Dim db              As DAO.Database
    Dim rs              As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rsINV           As DAO.Recordset                        ' ** Not Defined
    Dim strSQL          As String
    Dim GiftsInvDict    As New Scripting.Dictionary             ' ** Needed 's' / inconsistent
    Dim i               As Integer
    Dim iQTY            As Integer
    Dim itemArray
        Set GiftsInvDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
        Set db = CurrentDb()
        Set rsINV = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT ItemID, Number_in_stock FROM tbl_Inventory")
        Do While Not rsINV.EOF          ' Changed to DO
            GiftsInvDict.add CStr(rsINV!ItemID), CInt(rsINV!Number_in_stock)
            rsINV.MoveNext                      ' Missing MOVENEXT
        Loop                ' ** Loop without Do
        Debug.Print "----- INVENTORY -----"
        Debug.Print "Count: " & GiftsInvDict.Count & vbTab & "C2: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Keys) + 1 & vbTab & "C3: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Items) + 1
        For i = 0 To GiftsInvDict.Count - 1
            Debug.Print GiftsInvDict.Keys()(i), GiftsInvDict.Items()(i)
        Next i
        Debug.Print "----- NAMES -----"
        strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Gift_Assignments WHERE Priority =1"
        Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
        Do Until rs.EOF
            With rs
                Debug.Print rs!Name & vbTab & rs!Preference_1 & vbTab & rs!Preference_2 & vbTab & rs!Preference_n
                ' Check 1st Pref
                If Not GiftsInvDict.Exists(CStr(rs!Preference_1)) Then              ' Fails to find 'Racecar'!!!!
                    Debug.Print "1st Pref not avail: " & rs!Preference_1 & vbTab & " add it "
                    GiftsInvDict.Item(CStr(rs!Preference_1)) = 0
                    Debug.Print "----- INVENTORY -----"
                    Debug.Print "Count: " & GiftsInvDict.Count & vbTab & "C2: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Keys) + 1 & vbTab & "C3: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Items) + 1
                    For i = 0 To GiftsInvDict.Count - 1
                        Debug.Print GiftsInvDict.Keys()(i), GiftsInvDict.Items()(i)
                    Next i
                    Debug.Print "---------------------"
                    iQTY = CInt(GiftsInvDict.Item(CStr(rs!Preference_1)))
                    If iQTY > 0 Then
                        !Gift_Assignment = rs!Preference_1
                        GiftsInvDict.Item(CStr(rs!Preference_1)) = CInt(iQTY - 1)
                        GoTo Satisfied
                    End If
                End If
                ' Check 2nd Pref
                If Not GiftsInvDict.Exists(CStr(rs!Preference_2)) Then
                    Debug.Print "2nd Pref not avail: " & rs!Preference_2 & vbTab & " add it "
                    GiftsInvDict.Item(CStr(rs!Preference_2)) = 0
                    Debug.Print "----- INVENTORY -----"
                    Debug.Print "Count: " & GiftsInvDict.Count & vbTab & "C2: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Keys) + 1 & vbTab & "C3: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Items) + 1
                    For i = 0 To GiftsInvDict.Count - 1
                        Debug.Print GiftsInvDict.Keys()(i), GiftsInvDict.Items()(i)
                    Next i
                    Debug.Print "---------------------"
                    iQTY = CInt(GiftsInvDict.Item(CStr(rs!Preference_2)))
                    If iQTY > 0 Then
                        !Gift_Assignment = rs!Preference_2
                        GiftsInvDict.Item((CStr(rs!Preference_2))) = CInt(iQTY - 1)
                        GoTo Satisfied
                    End If
                End If
                ' Try 3rd choice --- being lazy, BUT I WOULD CHANGE ALL THIS CODE TO HANDLE ANY NUMBER OF PREDERENCES!!
                If Not IsNull(rs!Preference_n) Then
                    If Not GiftsInvDict.Exists(CStr(rs!Preference_n)) Then
                        Debug.Print "nth Pref not avail: " & rs!Preference_n & vbTab & " add it "
                        GiftsInvDict.Item(CStr(rs!Preference_n)) = 0
                        Debug.Print "----- INVENTORY -----"
                        Debug.Print "Count: " & GiftsInvDict.Count & vbTab & "C2: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Keys) + 1 & vbTab & "C3: " & UBound(GiftsInvDict.Items) + 1
                        For i = 0 To GiftsInvDict.Count - 1
                            Debug.Print GiftsInvDict.Keys()(i), GiftsInvDict.Items()(i)
                        Next i
                        Debug.Print "---------------------"
                        iQTY = CInt(GiftsInvDict.Item(CStr(rs!Preference_n)))
                        If iQTY > 0 Then
                            !Gift_Assignment = rs!Preference_n
                            GiftsInvDict.Item(!Preference_n) = CInt(iQTY - 1)
                            GoTo Satisfied
                        End If
                    End If
                    Debug.Print "Pref_n is NULL"
                End If
                !Gift_Assignment = "No_Gift_Available"
                'End of process for each preferred item
                'Do the process again for 'Preference_2....Preference_N' until all preferences
                'are checked
                'If, after each preference has been through the process, preferred gifts cannot be assigned
                'assign 'No_Gift_Available' value to 'Gift_Assignment' field
            End With
        Debug.Print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
        'Add code to insert new records into Inventory if desired....
        For i = 0 To GiftsInvDict.Count - 1
            Debug.Print GiftsInvDict.Keys()(i), GiftsInvDict.Items()(i)
            strSQL = "UPDATE tbl_Inventory SET tbl_Inventory.Number_in_stock = " & CInt(GiftsInvDict.Items()(i)) & " " & _
                     "WHERE (((tbl_Inventory.ItemID)='" & CStr(GiftsInvDict.Keys()(i)) & "'));"
            db.Execute strSQL, , iRecAff
        Next i
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set db = Nothing
    End Sub