答案 0 :(得分:8)
Start at a root node *root*
Let D[i] = longest path from node *root* to node i. D[*root*] = 0, and the others are also 0.
void getLongestPath(node, currSum)
if node is visited
mark node as visited;
if D[node] < currSum
D[node] = currSum;
for each child i of node do
getLongestPath(i, currSum + EdgeWeight(i, node));
mark node as not visited;
让我们在此图表上手动运行:1 - 2 (4), 1 - 3 (100), 2 - 3 (5), 3 - 5 (200), 3 - 4 (7), 4 - 5 (1000)
Let the root be 1. We call getLongestPath(1, 0);
2 is marked as visited and getLongestPath(2, 4); is called
D[2] = 0 < currSum = 4 so D[2] = 4.
3 is marked as visited and getLongestPath(3, 4 + 5); is called
D[3] = 0 < currSum = 9 so D[3] = 9.
4 is marked as visited and getLongestPath(4, 9 + 7); is called
D[4] = 0 < currSum = 16 so D[4] = 16.
5 is marked as visited and getLongestPath(5, 16 + 1000); is called
D[5] = 0 < currSum = 1016 so D[5] = 1016.
getLongestPath(3, 1016 + 200); is called, but node 3 is marked as visited, so nothing happens.
Node 5 has no more child nodes, so the function marks 5 as not visited and backtracks to 4. The backtracking will happen until node 1 is hit, which will end up setting D[3] = 100 and updating more nodes.
Let st be a stack, the rest remains unchanged;
void getLongestPath(root)
st.push(pair(root, 0));
while st is not empty
topStack = st.top();
if topStack.node is visited
goto end;
mark topStack.node as visited;
if D[topStack.node] < topStack.sum
D[topStack.node = topStack.sum;
if topStack.node has a remaining child (*)
st.push(pair(nextchild of topStack.node, topStack.sum + edge cost of topStack.node - nextchild))
mark topStack.node as not visited
(*) - 这有点问题 - 你必须为每个节点保留一个指向下一个子节点的指针,因为它可以在while循环的不同迭代之间进行更改,甚至可以自行重置(当指针重置时,指针会重置你将topStack.node
列表,以便能够存储指针并具有随机访问权限,因为您将需要它。您可以保留next[i] = next child of node i in its adjacency list
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