DrawString(Font, Color.ToString, Vector2, Colour)
但是,“Color.ToString”返回特定颜色的RGBA(x,y,z,a)值。 无论如何都要将RGBA颜色的属性名称(例如:“红色”)绘制到屏幕上,而不必处理整个案例以及不通过RGBA值确定颜色的内容;它可以节省时间和编码空间。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Public Function FindKnownColor(value As Color) As Color
For Each known In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(KnownColor))
Dim compare = Color.FromKnownColor(known)
If compare.ToArgb() = value.ToArgb() Then Return compare
Return value
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在XNA中,Color类不是枚举,因此必须使用反射来获取所有静态属性值及其名称。我在这里提供的示例创建了一个静态字典,用于将Color值映射到其名称。首次使用类/ ToName函数时,字典将被初始化。
' Usage:
' Dim colorName = ColorExtensions.ToName(Color.Red)
Public NotInheritable Class ColorExtensions
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Private Shared ReadOnly ColorToString As New Dictionary(Of Color, [String])()
Shared Sub New()
' Get all the static properties on the XNA Color type
Dim properties = GetType(Color).GetProperties(BindingFlags.[Public] Or BindingFlags.[Static])
' Loop through all of the properties
For Each [property] As PropertyInfo In properties
' If the property's type is a Color...
If [property].PropertyType Is GetType(Color) Then
' Get the actual color value
Dim color = DirectCast([property].GetValue(Nothing, Nothing), Color)
' We have to actually check that the color has not already been assocaited
' Names will always be unique, however, some names map to the same color
If ColorToString.ContainsKey(color) = False Then
' Associate the color value with the property name
ColorToString.Add(color, [property].Name)
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Function ToName(color As Color) As [String]
' The string that stores the color's name
Dim name As [String] = Nothing
' Attempt to get the color name from the dictionary
If ColorToString.TryGetValue(color, name) Then
Return name
End If
' Return null since we didn't find it
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class