如何在agda中证明一种形式(a | b)?

时间:2014-10-28 17:49:15

标签: agda dependent-type


In Agda is it possible to define a datatype that has equations?


data Int : Set where
    Z : Int
    S : Int -> Int
    P : Int -> Int


normalize : Int -> Int
normalize Z = Z
normalize (S n) with normalize n
... | P m = m
... | m = S m
normalize (P n) with normalize n
... | S m = m
... | m = P m


idempotent : (n : Int) -> normalize n \== normalize (normalize n)


idempotent (P n) = ? 


(normalize (P n) | normalize n) \== normalize (normalize (P n) | normalize n)


idempotent (P n) with inspect (normalize n)
... (S m) with-\== = ?
... m with-\== = ?




normLemma : (n m : NZ) -> normalize n \== P m -> normalize (S n) \== m

“纸上”证明非常简单。假设归一化n = P m,考虑

normalize (S n) = case normalize n of
  P k -> k
  x -> S x

但是,将n归一化假定为P m,因此归一化(S n)= k。然后k = m,因为归一化n = P m = P k,这意味着m = k。因此归一化(S n)= m。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

用户 Vitus 建议使用普通表格。


normalForm : ∀ n -> NormalForm (normalize n)
idempotent' : ∀ {n} -> NormalForm n -> normalize n ≡ n


idempotent : ∀ n -> normalize (normalize n) ≡ normalize n
idempotent = idempotent' ∘ normalForm


data NormalForm : Int -> Set where
  NZ  : NormalForm Z
  NSZ : NormalForm (S Z)
  NPZ : NormalForm (P Z)
  NSS : ∀ {n} -> NormalForm (S n) -> NormalForm (S (S n))
  NPP : ∀ {n} -> NormalForm (P n) -> NormalForm (P (P n))

即。只有S (S ... (S Z)...P (P ... (P Z)...)这样的字词才是正常形式。


normalForm : ∀ n -> NormalForm (normalize n)
normalForm  Z    = NZ
normalForm (S n) with normalize n | normalForm n
... | Z    | nf     = NSZ
... | S  _ | nf     = NSS nf
... | P ._ | NPZ    = NZ
... | P ._ | NPP nf = nf
normalForm (P n) with normalize n | normalForm n
... | Z    | nf     = NPZ
... | S ._ | NSZ    = NZ
... | S ._ | NSS nf = nf
... | P  _ | nf     = NPP nf

idempotent' : ∀ {n} -> NormalForm n -> normalize n ≡ n
idempotent'  NZ     = refl
idempotent'  NSZ    = refl
idempotent'  NPZ    = refl
idempotent' (NSS p) rewrite idempotent' p = refl
idempotent' (NPP p) rewrite idempotent' p = refl


答案 1 :(得分:2)

idempotent : (n : Int) -> normalize (normalize n) ≡ normalize n
idempotent  Z    = refl
idempotent (S n) with normalize n | inspect normalize n
... | Z   |   _   = refl
... | S m | [ p ] = {!!}
... | P m | [ p ] = {!!}


Goal: (normalize (S (S m)) | (normalize (S m) | normalize m)) ≡
      S (S m)
p : normalize n ≡ S m
m : Int
n : Int

(normalize (S (S m)) | (normalize (S m) | normalize m)) ≡ S (S m)只是normalize (S (S m))的扩展版本。所以我们可以稍微改写一下上下文:

Goal: normalize (S (S m)) ≡ S (S m)
p : normalize n ≡ S m
m : Int
n : Int


normalize (S n) with normalize n
... | P m = m
... | m = S m

normalize (S n) ≡ S (normalize n),如果normalize n不包含P s。

如果我们有一个类似normalize n ≡ S m的等式,那么m已经标准化,并且不包含P s。但如果m不包含P,那么normalize m。我们有normalize (S m) ≡ S (normalize m)


normalize-S : ∀ n {m} -> normalize n ≡ S m -> ∀ i -> normalize (m ‵add‵ i) ≡ m ‵add‵ i


_‵add‵_ : Int -> ℕ -> Int
n ‵add‵  0      = n
n ‵add‵ (suc i) = S (n ‵add‵ i)


normalize (S (S ... (S m)...)) ≡ S (S ... (S (normalize m))...)


  normalize-S : ∀ n {m} -> normalize n ≡ S m -> ∀ i -> normalize (m ‵add‵ i) ≡ m ‵add‵ i
  normalize-S  Z    ()    i
  normalize-S (S n) p     i with normalize n | inspect normalize n
  normalize-S (S n) refl  i | Z       |   _   = {!!}
  normalize-S (S n) refl  i | S m     | [ q ] = {!!}
  normalize-S (S n) refl  i | P (S m) | [ q ] = {!!}
  normalize-S (P n) p     i with normalize n | inspect normalize n
  normalize-S (P n) ()    i | Z       |   _     
  normalize-S (P n) refl  i | S (S m) | [ q ] = {!!}
  normalize-S (P n) ()    i | P _     |   _


Goal: normalize (Z ‵add‵ i) ≡ Z ‵add‵ i
i  : ℕ
.w : Reveal .Data.Unit.Core.hide normalize n is Z
n  : Int

即。 normalize (S (S ... (S Z)...)) ≡ S (S ... (S Z)...)。我们可以很容易地证明这一点:

normalize-add : ∀ i -> normalize (Z ‵add‵ i) ≡ Z ‵add‵ i
normalize-add  0      = refl
normalize-add (suc i) rewrite normalize-add i with i
... | 0     = refl
... | suc _ = refl

所以我们可以用normalize-add i填充第一个洞。


Goal: normalize (S m ‵add‵ i) ≡ S m ‵add‵ i
i : ℕ
q : .Data.Unit.Core.reveal (.Data.Unit.Core.hide normalize n) ≡ S m
m : Int
n : Int

虽然normalize-S n q (suc i)具有以下类型:

(normalize (S (m ‵add‵ i)) | normalize (m ‵add‵ i)) ≡ S (m ‵add‵ i)

或者,很快,normalize (S (m ‵add‵ i)) ≡ S (m ‵add‵ i)。因此,我们需要将S m ‵add‵ i替换为S (m ‵add‵ i)

inj-add : ∀ n i -> S n ‵add‵ i ≡ S (n ‵add‵ i)
inj-add n  0      = refl
inj-add n (suc i) = cong S (inj-add n i)


  normalize-S (S n) refl  i | S m | [ q ] rewrite inj-add m i = normalize-S n q (suc i)


Goal: normalize (m ‵add‵ i) ≡ m ‵add‵ i
i : ℕ
q : .Data.Unit.Core.reveal (.Data.Unit.Core.hide normalize n) ≡
    P (S m)
m : Int
n : Int

normalize-P n q 0为我们提供了normalize (S m) ≡ S m,其中normalize-Pnormalize-S的双重身份,并且具有以下类型:

  normalize-P : ∀ n {m} -> normalize n ≡ P m -> ∀ i -> normalize (m ‵sub‵ i) ≡ m ‵sub‵ i

我们可以将normalize-S应用于类型normalize (S m) ≡ S mnormalize-S (S m) (normalize-P n q 0) i的内容。这个表达式正是我们想要的类型。所以我们可以写

  normalize-S (S n) refl  i | P (S m) | [ q ] = normalize-S (S m) (normalize-P n q 0) i


  normalize-S (P n) refl  i | S (S m) | [ q ] = normalize-S (S m) (normalize-S n q 0) i

这个漏洞存在问题:Agda没有看到normalize-S (S m) _ _终止,因为S m在语法上不小于S n。然而,通过使用有根据的递归来使Agda更有可能。


idempotent : (n : Int) -> normalize (normalize n) ≡ normalize n
idempotent  Z    = refl
idempotent (S n) with normalize n | inspect normalize n
... | Z   |   _   = refl
... | S m | [ p ] = normalize-S n p 2
... | P m | [ p ] = normalize-P n p 0
idempotent (P n) with normalize n | inspect normalize n
... | Z   |   _   = refl
... | S m | [ p ] = normalize-S n p 0
... | P m | [ p ] = normalize-P n p 2

以下是代码:https://gist.github.com/flickyfrans/f2c7d5413b3657a94950 有两个版本:{-# TERMINATING #-} pragma和没有。



idempotent : ∀ n -> normalize (normalize n) ≡ normalize n
idempotent n with normalize n | inspect normalize n
... | Z   |   _   = refl
... | S _ | [ p ] = normalize-S n p 1
... | P _ | [ p ] = normalize-P n p 1