如何在Isabelle ML中进行简单的多线程处理?

时间:2014-10-27 17:40:18

标签: isabelle



ML {*
 Isabelle_System.bash ("echo '1. Call script to compile in the PIDE console.'");
 Isabelle_System.bash ("echo '2. Call script to compile in a Windows console.'");
 Isabelle_System.bash ("echo '3. Maybe a third process.'");
 (*In an outer syntax command, I have options to allow 1 and 2, so it might be 
   useful to allow starting both at the same time, to be able to terminate the 
   PIDE process, and let the Windows console keep running. But, unless  
   multithreading is used, their execution will be sequential, which is 




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

"简单的多线程"是矛盾的,因为线程从不简单。如果您只想进行简单的并行编程,那么首先要看的是结构Par_List,例如Par_List.map组合子。在Isabelle/Isar Implementation Manual中有一个关于"平行骨架"的部分。关于它,以及附近的更多信息。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

在这里,我根据Makarius Wenzel的回答填写了一些细节。

事实证明,使用src / Pure中的Isabelle / ML库,运行并行,独立的bash进程非常容易:

ML {* (*Running this multiple times shows the order of execution varies.*)
  Par_List.map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list;
  val bash_strings = [
    "echo 'Echo 1.'; echo 'Echo 1.'; echo 'Echo 1.'; echo 'Echo 1.' ", 
    "echo 'Bash 2, bro!'", 
    "echo 'Bash 3, hombre or señorita!'", 
    "echo 'Bash 4, dude!'"];
  val _ = Par_List.map Isabelle_System.bash bash_strings
*} (*
  Bash 4, dude! 
  Bash 2, bro! 
  Bash 3, hombre or señorita! 
  Echo 1.
  Echo 1.
  Echo 1.
  Echo 1. 
  val it = fn: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
  val bash_strings =
     ["echo 'Echo 1.'; echo 'Echo 1.'; echo 'Echo 1.'; echo 'Echo 1.' ",
      "echo 'Bash 2, bro!'", "echo 'Bash 3, hombre or señorita!'",
      "echo 'Bash 4, dude!'"]:
     string list*)
