
时间:2014-10-24 22:36:48

标签: python replace indexing find strip

我想说的是:" Pizza"

sAnswer = "Pizza"
sReveal = len(sAnswer)* "_ "

上面我已经构建了一个显示" _ _ _ _ _"


与任何其他Hangman游戏一样,它会包含下划线我的问题是:如何去除空间的sReveal,找到猜到的字母的索引(例如:' z')然后用下划线替换下划线必要时z,然后在其间重建空间,因此它将成为:" _ _ zz _"


if sLetterGuessed in list(sAnswer):

    for character in list(sAnswer): 
        index = sAnswer.find(sLetterGuessed)
        sReveal = sReveal.replace(" ", "")
        list(sReveal)[index] = "z"

        print sReveal

        for char in sReveal:
            sReveal = sReveal.strip(" ")
            sReveal = sReveal.replace("_", char) 

    print sReveal
    print HangingMan[iErrors]

## The code is just consideration of the route I'm taking with this; the horrible route. 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

更新sReveal的简便方法是使用list comp和str.join

sAnswer = "Pizza"
sReveal = len(sAnswer)* "_ " 
letter_guessed = "z"
# if letter_guessed == current letter in word, add that letter else add a _
sReveal = " ".join([x if x==letter_guessed else "_" for x in sAnswer ])
_ _ z z _


def hangman(secret_word):
    from string import ascii_lowercase
    print ("Welcome to Hangman!")
    print ("I am thinking of a word that is {} letters long\n-----------".format(len(secret_word)))
    guesses = 8
    letters_guessed = []
    missed_l = ''
    correct_l = ''
    secret_word = secret_word.lower()
    while True:
        # if all the letters in secret_word are in correct_l , the user has won 
        if all(x in correct_l for x in secret_word):
            print ("Congratulations, you won!")
        # if len missed letters is 8, user has used up all guesses so break/end teh game
        elif len(missed_l) == 8:
            print ("Sorry, you ran out of guesses. The word was {}.".format(secret_word))
        print ("You have {} guesses left".format(guesses))
        print ("Available Letters: {}".format(" ".join([x for x in ascii_lowercase if x not in letters_guessed])))
        guess = raw_input("Please guess a letter: ").lower()
        # if guess in letters_guessed  user has already guessed that letter
        if guess in letters_guessed:
            print ("Sorry You've already guessed that letter: {}\n-----------".format(guess))
        # else if it is in the word, add  guess to correct_l and to letters guessed 
        elif guess in secret_word:
            correct_l += guess
            print("Good guess: {}\n-----------".format(" ".join([x if x in letters_guessed else "_" for x in secret_word])))
        # if users guess is not in the word, minus a  life/guess
        elif guess not in secret_word:
            guesses -= 1
            print (" That letter is not in my word: {}\n-----------".format(" ".join([x if x in letters_guessed else "_" for x in secret_word])))
            missed_l += guess

答案 1 :(得分:0)



aReveal = list(sReveal)

index = sAnswer.find(sLetterGuessed)
while index >= 0:
    aReveal[index] = sLetterGuessed
    index = sAnswer.find(sLetterGuessed, index + 1)

sReveal = ''.join(aReveal)
print sReveal