#r "System.Management.Automation"
open System
open System.Management.Automation.Host
type MyRawUserInterface() =
inherit PSHostRawUserInterface()
override this.BackgroundColor with get() = Console.BackgroundColor and set v = Console.BackgroundColor <- v
override this.BufferSize with get() = Size(Console.BufferWidth, Console.BufferHeight) and set v = Console.SetBufferSize(v.Width, v.Height)
override this.CursorPosition with get() = raise (NotImplementedException()) and set _ = raise (NotImplementedException())
override this.CursorSize with get() = Console.CursorSize and set v = Console.CursorSize <- v
override this.ForegroundColor with get() = Console.ForegroundColor and set v = Console.ForegroundColor <- v
override this.KeyAvailable with get() = Console.KeyAvailable
override this.MaxPhysicalWindowSize with get() = Size(Console.LargestWindowWidth, Console.LargestWindowHeight)
override this.MaxWindowSize with get() = Size(Console.LargestWindowWidth, Console.LargestWindowHeight)
override this.WindowPosition with get() = Coordinates(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop) and set v = Console.SetWindowPosition(v.X, v.Y)
override this.WindowSize with get() = Size(Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight) and set v = Console.SetWindowSize(v.Width, v.Height)
override this.WindowTitle with get() = Console.Title and set v = Console.Title <- v
override this.FlushInputBuffer() = ()
override this.GetBufferContents(_) = raise (NotImplementedException())
override this.ReadKey(_) = raise (NotImplementedException())
override this.ScrollBufferContents(_, _, _, _) = raise (NotImplementedException())
override this.SetBufferContents(origin:Coordinates, contents:BufferCell[,]) = raise (NotImplementedException())
override this.SetBufferContents(rectangle:Rectangle, fill:BufferCell) = raise (NotImplementedException())
答案 0 :(得分:1)
override this.SetBufferContents(origin:Coordinates, contents:BufferCell[,]) : unit = raise (NotImplementedException())