
时间:2014-10-16 08:09:29

标签: multithreading haskell concurrency stm


module Main where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative

terminator :: Either SomeException () -> IO ()
terminator r = print $ "Dying with " <> show r

doStuff :: TMVar () -> TChan () -> Int -> IO ()
doStuff writeToken barrier w = void $ flip forkFinally terminator $ do
  hasWriteToken <- isJust <$> atomically (tryTakeTMVar writeToken)
  case hasWriteToken of
    True -> do
      print $ show w <> "I'm the lead.."
      threadDelay (5 * 10^6)
      print "Done heavy work"
      atomically $ writeTChan barrier ()
    False -> do
      print $ show w <> " I'm the worker, waiting for the barrier..."
      myChan <- atomically $ dupTChan barrier
      _ <- atomically $ readTChan myChan
      print "Unlocked!"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  writeToken <- newTMVarIO ()
  barrier <- newBroadcastTChanIO
  _ <- forM [1..20] (doStuff writeToken barrier)
  threadDelay (20 * 10^6)
  return ()

  _ <- atomically $ do
    myChan <- dupTChan barrier
    readTChan myChan


"Done heavy work" 
"Dying with Right ()"
"Dying with Left thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction"
"Dying with Left thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction"
"Dying with Left thread blocked indefinitely in an STM transaction"

我怀疑关键在于atomically的语义。任何的想法? 谢谢! 阿尔弗雷

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


dupTChan :: TChan a -> STM (TChan a)
dupTChan (TChan _read write) = do
  hole <- readTVar write  
  new_read <- newTVar hole
  return (TChan new_read write)

readTChan :: TChan a -> STM a
readTChan (TChan read _write) = do
  listhead <- readTVar read
  head <- readTVar listhead
  case head of
    TNil -> retry
    TCons a tail -> do
    writeTVar read tail
    return a


worker_block (TChan _read write) = do
  hole <- readTVar write
  new_read <- newTVar hole
  listhead <- readTVar new_read
  head <- readTVar listhead
  case head of
    TNil -> retry


事实上,我不认为dupTChan >>= readTChan除了在STM事务上无限期地阻塞线程之外还会导致其他任何事情。您也可以从文档中解释出来。 dupTChan开始为空,因此在单个原子事务中,除非相同的事务添加它们,否则它将永远不会有任何项目。