SELECT Distinct org.name AS org, sto.ad_org_id AS wh_nearstoredetails_id, sum(sto.qtyonhand) AS qty, pro.name AS product
FROM ad_org org, m_storage_detail sto, m_product pro
WHERE sto.ad_org_id::text = org.ad_org_id::text
AND (sto.m_locator_id::text IN ( select cast(m_locator.m_locator_id as text)
from m_locator,m_warehouse
where m_warehouse.isactive = cast('Y' as varchar)
and m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text)
and m_warehouse.m_warehouse_id::text = m_locator.m_warehouse_id::text
and m_locator.isdefault = cast('Y' as varchar)))
AND sto.m_product_id::text = pro.m_product_id::text
AND sto.qtyonhand >= cast(1 as numeric)
AND sto.ad_org_id::text IN ( SELECT cast(m_warehouse.ad_org_id as text)
FROM m_warehouse
WHERE m_warehouse.em_ai_warehouseparent::text not like cast('' as text))
GROUP BY org.name,sto.ad_org_id,pro.name
ORDER BY org.name, pro.name;
WARN - SQL Command failed with: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying !
Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我终于找到了我犯的错误。 上述查询中的问题是我尝试进行空值类型转换
现在我改变条件检查' 不为空'比" 不喜欢' "
无论如何,谢谢你的回复。 :)