我目前正在Matlab GUI中构建一个功能,用户可以更改屏幕上显示的图表(通过弹出菜单....这不是问题FYI!)并移动垂直线用鼠标在图表上(从该行的位置返回x数据)。在首次生成GUI时创建此鼠标交互行没有问题,但是一旦用户从弹出菜单中选择不同的数据集,就无法“重新生成”用户交互行。
handles.yline1 = line([x_start x_start],[y_min,y_max],'ButtonDownFcn',@(hObject,eventdata)postprocessingtry1('startdrag1_Fcn',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)));
function startdrag1_Fcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
一旦我尝试在popupmenu回调函数中使用相同的“handles.yline1 = ...”声明,就会出现错误:
使用handle.handle / set时出错无效或已删除对象。
后处理1中的错误> dragging1_Fcn(第341行)
set(handles.yline1,'XData',pt.CurrentPoint(1,1)* [1 1]);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这是一个功能,可以满足您的要求,它是一个100%来自代码的gui - 希望您可以从中获取想法并将其转换为您想做的事情:
function demoVerticalLine
% Create the variable which is required to know if the line move is active or not.
mouseDown = false;
% Create the first value for the xlimMode (used in callbacks)
xLimMode = 'auto';
% create a dialog, with the mouse actions set
hFig = dialog ( 'windowstyle', 'normal', 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @MouseMove, 'WindowButtonUpFcn', @MouseUp );
% create an axes
ax = axes ( 'parent', hFig, 'position', [0.1 0.2 0.8 0.7], 'nextplot', 'add' );
% create a popup menu
pop = uicontrol ( 'parent', hFig, 'style', 'popupmenu', 'string', { 'sin', 'cos' }, 'Callback', @UpdatePlot );
% some dummy data
x = -pi:0.01:pi;
% an initial X for my example
vLineX = randi(length(x));
% On first time through create a plot
userPlot = []; % init a value -> this is used to clear the previous user data
% get the y limits of the data to be plotted
ylim = get ( ax, 'ylim' );
% plot the vertical line
hLine = plot ( ax, [x(vLineX) x(vLineX)], ylim, 'ButtonDownFcn', @MouseDown );
% a callback for plotting the user data
function UpdatePlot ( obj, event )
% delete any user data which is already plotted
delete ( userPlot );
% plot the user data
switch get ( pop, 'value' )
case 1 % sin
userPlot = plot ( ax, x, sin(x), 'r.-' );
case 2 % cos
userPlot = plot ( ax, x, cos(x), 'b.-' );
% a function which is called whenever the mouse is moved
function MouseMove ( obj, event )
% only run this section if the user has clicked on the line
if mouseDown
% get the current point on the axes
cp = get ( ax, 'CurrentPoint' );
% update the xdata of the line handle.
set ( hLine, 'XData', [cp(1,1) cp(1,1)] );
% callback from the user clicking on the line
function MouseDown ( obj, event )
% get the current xlimmode
xLimMode = get ( ax, 'xlimMode' );
% setting this makes the xlimits stay the same (comment out and test)
set ( ax, 'xlimMode', 'manual' );
% set the mouse down flag
mouseDown = true;
% on mouse up
function MouseUp ( obj, event )
% reset the xlim mode once the moving stops
set ( ax, 'xlimMode', xLimMode );
% reset the mouse down flag.
mouseDown = false;