
时间:2015-08-17 17:16:10

标签: matlab


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这里的诀窍是管理您设置uicontrols和回调的工作方式,并将copyobj中的旧版开关用作"un"documented here

以下示例允许您从图中重新显示所有对象的副本 - 我很欣赏这不是"转移"但复制 - >但他们仍然独立工作......

function test_reparentObjects
  % Create a new figure
  f1 = figure ( 'Name', 'Original Figure' );
  % Create some objects - make sure they ALL have UNIQUE tags - this is important!!
  axes ( 'parent', f1, 'tag', 'ax' );
  uicontrol ( 'style', 'pushbutton', 'position', [0   0 100 25], 'string', 'plot',     'parent', f1, 'callback', {@pb_cb}, 'tag', 'pb' );
  uicontrol ( 'style', 'pushbutton', 'position', [100 0 100 25], 'string', 'reparent', 'parent', f1, 'callback', {@reparent}, 'tag', 'reparent' );
  uicontrol ( 'style', 'text',       'position', [300 0 100 25], 'string', 'no peaks', 'parent', f1, 'tag', 'txt' );
  uicontrol ( 'style', 'edit',       'position', [400 0 100 25], 'string', '50',       'parent', f1, 'callback', {@pb_cb}, 'tag', 'edit' );
function pb_cb(obj,event)
  % This is a callback for the plot button being pushed
  % find the parent figure
  h = ancestor ( obj, 'figure' );
  % from the figure find the axes and the edit box
  ax  = findobj ( h, 'tag', 'ax' );
  edt = findobj ( h, 'tag', 'edit' );
  % convert the string to a double
  nPeaks = str2double ( get ( edt, 'string' ) );
  % do the plotting
  [X,Y,Z] = peaks(nPeaks);
function reparent(obj,event)
  % This is a callback for reparenting all the objects
  currentParent = ancestor ( obj, 'figure' );
  % copy all the objects -> using the "legacy" switch (r2014b onwards)
  %  this ensures that all callbacks are retained
  children = copyobj ( currentParent.Children, currentParent, 'legacy' );
  % create a new figure
  f = figure ( 'Name', sprintf ( 'Copy of %s', currentParent.Name ) );
  % reparent all the objects that have been copied
  for ii=1:length(children)
    children(ii).Parent = f;