iOS 8 SpriteKit渲染问题

时间:2014-10-12 06:30:21

标签: ios8 sprite-kit xcode6 skaction

在iOS 8中测试我的应用时,我遇到了一些严重的渲染问题。我不会浪费文字试图写出易于理解的描述,而只会向您展示一段简短的视频:

这就是它的工作原理。 iOS 7.

这就是它breaks in iOS 8.



有人知道iOS 8中SpriteKit是否有新的限制或问题?特别是与SKAction相关,但任何可能与此有关的事情都会发生?

编辑:我只是想澄清一下,即使iOS 8的视频是模拟器,我也有一个测试版测试人员在真实的iOS 8设备上报告了这个确切描述的问题。 iOS 7视频是我自己的iOS 7设备的屏幕截图。


-(void)startNewRoundWithGridSize:(CGFloat)newGridSize andWormCount:(NSInteger)wormCount{

    gameData.currentWormScore = (int)currentRound;
    [gameData checkAchievements];

    previousRandomShake = sharedUtilities.currentTime + 10;

    [self randomizeShakeType];

    if (gameData.isComputer || gameData.isPhone5) {
        directionImage.position = wormDirectionPhone5GamePos;
    } else if (gameData.isPhone4) {
        directionImage.position = wormDirectionPhone4GamePos;
    } else if (gameData.isPad) {
        directionImage.position = wormDirectionPadGamePos;
    directionImage.hidden = VISIBLE;
    [directionImage setScale:0.33];

    roundCounter.hidden = VISIBLE;
    timerBar.hidden = VISIBLE;
    int additionalTime = [settingsDict[@"subsequentRoundTimerPoints"] integerValue] + 0.5 * timerValue;
    if (currentRound == 1) {
        timerValue = [settingsDict[@"firstRoundTimerPoints"] integerValue];
    } else {
        timerValue = additionalTime;
    if (gameData.godMode) {
        timerValue = 600000000;

    gridSize = newGridSize;
    if (gameData.isPhone4 || gameData.isPhone5 || gameData.isComputer) {
        tileBaseSize = 80;
    } else if (gameData.isPad) {
        tileBaseSize = 192;

    roundCounter.intValue = currentRound;

    SKNode* oldWorld = [self childNodeWithName:@"wormWorld"];
    if (oldWorld.parent) {
        [oldWorld removeFromParent];

    [startButton disableButton];
    [backButton disableButton];
    [instructionsButton disableButton];
    startButton.hidden = HIDDEN;
    backButton.hidden = HIDDEN;
    instructionsButton.hidden = HIDDEN;

    wormArray = nil;
    wormArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    tilesArray = nil;
    tilesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    SKSpriteNode* alphaNode = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithColor:[SKColor whiteColor] size:CGSizeMake(self.size.width, self.size.width)];
    alphaNode.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
    alphaNode.position = CGPointMake(0, 0);

    CGFloat worldYPos = (self.size.height - self.size.width) / 2 ;

    SKCropNode* wormWorld = [SKCropNode node];
    wormWorld.position = CGPointMake(0, worldYPos); = @"wormWorld";
    wormWorld.maskNode = alphaNode;
    wormWorld.zPosition = zGameLayer;
    [self addChild:wormWorld];

    SKSpriteNode* wormAreaBackground = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithColor:[SKColor colorWithRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.45] size:CGSizeMake(self.size.width, self.size.width)];
    wormAreaBackground.anchorPoint = CGPointZero; = @"wormAreaBackground";
    wormAreaBackground.zPosition = 0;
    [wormWorld addChild:wormAreaBackground];

    SKNode* wormScaler = [SKNode node]; = @"wormScaler";
    wormScaler.xScale = 4 / gridSize;
    wormScaler.yScale = 4 / gridSize;
    wormScaler.zPosition = 1;
    [wormWorld addChild:wormScaler];


    CGFloat totalDuration = 1;

    CGFloat duration = 0.15;
    SKAction* tileScaleIn = [SKAction sequence:@[
                                                 [SKAction scaleTo:5 duration:0],
                                                 [SKAction scaleXTo:1.0f y:1.0f duration:0.1],

    SKAction* tileFadeIn;
    if (gameData.debugMode) {
        tileFadeIn = [SKAction fadeAlphaTo:0.5f duration:duration];
    } else {
        tileFadeIn = [SKAction fadeAlphaTo:1.0f duration:duration];

    SKAction* tileAnimation = [SKAction group:@[
    for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
        int y = i * tileBaseSize + 0.5 * tileBaseSize; //start new row of tiles and set y pos

        for (int h = 0; h < gridSize; h++) {
            int x = h * tileBaseSize + 0.5 * tileBaseSize; //set x of current tile
            SGG_TileNode* tile = [SGG_TileNode node];
            if (gameData.debugMode) {
                tile.debugMode = YES;
            tile.position = CGPointMake(x, y);
            tile.gridSize = CGSizeMake(gridSize, gridSize);
            tile.tileIndex = i * gridSize + h;
   = @"tile";
            tile.zPosition = zGameLayer + 15;
            tile.alpha = 0.0;
            [wormScaler addChild:tile];
            [tilesArray addObject:tile];

            SKAction* waitABit = [SKAction waitForDuration:((totalDuration - 0.2) / (gridSize * gridSize)) * tile.tileIndex];
            SKAction* totalAction = [SKAction sequence:@[
            [tile runAction:totalAction withKey:@"startingZoom"];


    gameStarting = YES;


我知道它相当长。 :(

编辑:好的,经过一些进一步的测试,(在iOS 8和8.1中)我在游戏开始前已经在场景中添加了一个SKAction。它在游戏开始之前工作正常,但一旦启动,动作就会停止。再一次,这只发生在iOS 8+而不是iOS 7.对可以同时运行的SKAction的数量有什么限制吗? SKActions在达到某种内存限制时会停止(包括艺术资产和内存中的其他对象)吗?如果是,为什么它只影响iOS 8+?不,我不会意外地暂停现场。为了绝对肯定,我添加了

self.paused = NO;


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