
时间:2014-10-11 16:43:45

标签: java integer bit-manipulation twos-complement

如果我有一个长度为n的byte [],包含某个n字节整数的2的补码表示,我如何得到一个相同长度的byte [],并用“直”表示该数字?这是否可能,考虑到2的补数是否可以表示更多的负整数?



for the 1-byte integer -128, the two's complement representation is 1000 0000
for the 1-byte integer   -1, the two's complement representation is 1111 1111
for the 1-byte integer    0, the two's complement representation is 0000 0000
for the 1-byte integer    1, the two's complement representation is 0000 0001
for the 1-byte integer  127, the two's complement representation is 0111 1111


for the 1-byte integer -128, the "straight" representation would be 0000 0000
for the 1-byte integer   -1, the "straight" representation would be 0111 1111
for the 1-byte integer    0, the "straight" representation would be 1000 0000
for the 1-byte integer    1, the "straight" representation would be 1000 0001
for the 1-byte integer  127, the "straight" representation would be 1111 1111


我更喜欢解决方案中的Java,但任何其他容易/直观易懂的语言或伪代码都可以。 (在此转换中是否有任何特殊要警惕,因为Java没有无符号字节?)

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