
时间:2014-10-01 22:38:47

标签: java oop casting polymorphism


我有一个客户端 - 服务器系统,客户端向服务器发送不同类型的请求,并根据请求获取响应。


 int requestTypeA() {
      Request request = new Request(TypeA);
      Response response = request.execute();
      // response for request of TypeA contains a int
      return response.getIntResponse();

 String requestTypeB() {
      Request request = new Request(TypeB);
      Response response = request.execute();
      // response for request of TypeB contains a String
      return response.getStringResponse();


 class Request {
       Type type;
       Request(Type type) {
           this.type = type;

        Response execute() {
              if (type == TypeA) { 
                  // do stuff
                  return new Response(someInt);
              else if (type == TypeB) {
                  // do stuff
                  return new Response("someString");
              else if ...


 class Response {
      int someInt;
      String someString;

      Response(int someInt) {
          this.someInt = someInt;

      Response(String someString) {
          this.someString = someString;

      int getIntResponse() {
           return someInt;

      String getStringResponse() {
          return someString;


  1. execute方法将充满ifelse if块。
  2. 可能是当返回错误的响应时,例如someString未初始化的地方,例如它与A类请求的响应相混淆。
  3. 关于第一个问题我想出的解决方案是使用多态。所以有一个父类Request,并且对于每种类型的请求都有一个Request的子类,所以有一个RequestTypeARequestTypeB。所有类都覆盖execute方法。


     interface Response {
     class ResponseTypeA {
         ResponseTypeA(int i) { ... }
         int getIntResponse() { ... }
     class ResponseTypeB {
         ResponseTypeB(String s) { ... verify s is valid ... }
         String getStringResponse() { ... }


    String requestTypeB() {
        Request request = new Request(TypeB);
        ResponseTypeB response = (ResponseTypeB) request.execute();
        return response.getStringResponse();



9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

尝试将请求与响应分开是徒劳的。它们由API绑定在一起 - R r = f(Q)


class Conversation<Q,R> {
    R request (Q q, Class<R> rType) {
        // Send the query (Q) and get a response R

class ConversationA extends Conversation<RequestA, Integer> {

class ConversationB extends Conversation<RequestB, String> {



public class Test {

    // Extend this to magically get a JSON-Like toString.
    public static interface JSONObject {

        public String asJSON();

    class RequestA implements JSONObject {

        public String asJSON() {
            return "RequestA {}";

    class RequestB implements JSONObject {

        public String asJSON() {
            return "RequestB {}";

    static class Conversation<Q extends JSONObject, R> {

        // Parser factory.
        private static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();

        // General query of the website. Takes an object of type Q and returns one of class R.
        public R query(String urlBase, String op, Q q, Class<R> r) throws IOException {
            // Prepare the post.
            HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(urlBase + op);
            // Get it all into a JSON string.
            StringEntity input = new StringEntity(q.asJSON());
            // Post it and wait.
            return requestResponse(postRequest, r);

        private <R> R requestResponse(HttpRequestBase request, Class<R> r) throws IOException {
            // Start a conversation.
            CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
            CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request);
            // Get the reply.
            return readResponse(response, r);

        private <R> R readResponse(CloseableHttpResponse response, Class<R> r) throws IOException {
            // What was read.
            R red = null;
            try {
                // What happened?
                if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
                    // Roll out the results
                    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                    if (entity != null) {
                        // Always make sure the content is closed.
                        try (InputStream content = entity.getContent()) {
                            red = parseAs(content, r);
                } else {
                    // The finally below will clean up.
                    throw new IOException("HTTP Response: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
            } finally {
                // Always close the response.

            return red;

        private <R> R parseAs(InputStream content, Class<R> r) throws IOException {
            JsonParser rsp;
            // Roll it directly from the response stream.
            rsp = factory.createJsonParser(content);
            // Bring back the response.
            return rsp.readValueAs(r);

    static class ConversationA extends Conversation<RequestA, Integer> {


    static class ConversationB extends Conversation<RequestB, String> {


    public void test() throws IOException {
        Integer a = new ConversationA().query("http://host/api", "JSON", new RequestA(), Integer.class);
        String b = new ConversationB().query("http://host/api", "JSON", new RequestB(), String.class);

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
            new Test().test();
        } catch (Throwable t) {

这是从JSON和Apache HttpClient的实际使用中得出的 - 但是,它可能无法发布,因为我已经删除了大多数错误处理和重试机制以简化。这里主要是为了证明建议机制的使用。


答案 1 :(得分:4)

基于类型的每个开关(或者if / else if / else链)是sign for a bad OO design

正如OldCurmudgeon所说:每个请求都受其响应的约束 - 请求和响应是一对。因此,我会完全按照您在文中提出的建议行事,但未在您的代码中实施:

关于第一个问题,我提出的解决方案是使用多态。所以有一个父类Request并且对于每种类型的请求都有一个Request的子类,所以有一个RequestTypeA和RequestTypeB。所有类都覆盖了execute方法。 所以基类看起来像:

 * Abstract class Request forms the base class for all your requests.
 * Note that the implementation of execute() is missing.
interface Request {
        public Response execute();

 * Response-Interface just to have a common base class.
interface Response {

请注意,我将Request从具体类更改为接口。 A的具体实现(covariant return types我避免了铸造)看起来像:

 * Concrete request of type A.
class RequestTypeA {
    /** all fields typically for request A. */
    private int i;

     * ctor, initializes all request fields.
    public RequestTypeA(int i) {
        this.i = i;

     * Provide the exact response type. A feature Java 5 introduced is covariant return types, which permits an overriding method to return a more specialized type than the overriden method. 
    public ResponseTypeA execute()
        // Your implementation here
        // you have to return a ResponseTypeA

class ResponseTypeA implements Response {
    int getResponse() {
        // Your implementation here


 * Concrete request of type B.
class RequestTypeB {
    /** all fields typically for request B. */
    private String s;

     * ctor, initializes all request fields.
    public RequestTypeB(String s) {
        this.s = s;

     * Provide the exact response type. A feature Java 5 introduced is covariant return types, which permits an overriding method to return a more specialized type than the overriden method. 
    public ResponseTypeB execute()
        // Your implementation here
        // you have to return a ResponseTypeB

class ResponseTypeB implements Response {
    String getResponse() {
        // Your implementation here


  • 每个Response都绑定到其Request,因为请求是获取响应的唯一方法
  • 您可以通过其公共接口访问请求和响应(如果您想共享功能,则可以创建一个抽象类)。
  • 每个请求和响应都可以拥有它的特定输入和输出参数(不止一次)
  • 您可以以类型安全的方式访问参数


    RequestTypeA reqA = new RequestTypeA(5);
    ResponseType resA = regA.execute();
    int result = resA.getResponse();


  • 每个请求/响应都有不同的参数(而不仅仅是一个)
  • 您希望使用纯数据类型而不是其盒装变体
  • 发送/检索的代码不是那么统一,只有专业化的数据类型处理才不同。

Groovy中的玩具实现(类固醇上的Java)查询Internet Chuck Norris Database

abstract class Request {
        public abstract Response execute();
        protected String fetch(String url) { new URL("http://api.icndb.com/jokes/$url").getText() }

interface Response {}

class RandomRequest extends Request {
        public CommonResponse execute() {
            new CommonResponse(result: fetch('random/'))

class SpecificRequest extends Request {
        private int number;

        public CommonResponse execute() {
            new CommonResponse(result: fetch("$number"))

class CommonResponse implements Response {
    private String result

    String getJoke() {
        def slurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()

println new RandomRequest().execute().joke
println new SpecificRequest(number: 21).execute().joke

答案 2 :(得分:1)



    Response<Integer> a = new RequestA().execute();
    int resultA = a.getResult();


    String resultB = new RequestB().execute().getResult();



    AbstractRequest<Integer> requestC = new RequestC(); 
    Integer resultC = requestC.execute().getResult();

    // The only use case where you need casting, is when you create 
    // a response type hierarchy.
    AbstractRequest<? extends MyBaseClass> requestD = new RequestE();
    MyBaseClass resultD = requestD.execute().getResult();
    MyConcreteClass resultD2 = (MyConcreteClass) resultD;


AbstractRequest request = new RequestA(); 
Integer resultC = request.execute().getResult(); // compile error




 * Response is a generic wrapper, which could contain any value.
class Response<RETURN_TYPE> {
    private final RETURN_TYPE result;

    public Response(RETURN_TYPE result) {
        this.result = result;

    public RETURN_TYPE getResult() {
        return result;

    // Could contain additional meta data, like status code or warnings.

 * AbstractRequest does the main work. Subclasses of AbstractRequest just
 * provide request parameters.
abstract class AbstractRequest<RETURN_TYPE> {
    private final Class<RETURN_TYPE> returnType;

     * Return type has to be set explicitly, because the JSON parser needs
     * to know what class it should instantiate and type erasure prevents
     * accessing the generic type at runtime.
    protected AbstractRequest(Class<RETURN_TYPE> returnType) {
        this.returnType = returnType;

     * Request-dependent parameters must be set in sub classes.
    protected abstract String getRequestUrl();

    public Response<RETURN_TYPE> execute() throws IOException {
        // I'll skip the details. You already know how to get here.
        InputStream response = ... ;

        // In real code you should reuse JsonFactory .
        JsonParser parser = new JsonFactory().createJsonParser(response);

        // Wrap it into a Response.
        return new Response<RETURN_TYPE>(parser.readValueAs(this.returnType));

// Examples:

class RequestA extends AbstractRequest<Integer> {
    public RequestA() {

    protected String getRequestUrl() {
        return "http://example.org/a";

static class RequestB extends AbstractRequest<String> {
    public RequestB() {


P.S。如果你不喜欢子类AbstractRequest,你可以使它非抽象并直接实例化它。在这种情况下,您可以将Diamond运算符与Java 7及更高版本一起使用:

    AbstractRequest<String> request = new AbstractRequest<>();

答案 3 :(得分:1)


public class SomeClass { 
    private Object body;

    public <T> T getBody(Class<T> type) {
        if(type.isAssignableFrom(body.getClass())) {
            return (T) body;

        return null;

    public void setBody(Object body) {
        this.body = body;


答案 4 :(得分:0)


public interface Protocol{
 public enum Type{ SAMPLE_TYPE } //define types of protocol for ex: message, file transfer, etc...
 Type getType();
 Object[] getParams();
 Protocol execute();

public MyProtocol implements Protocol{
 private Type type;
 private Object[] params;

 public MyProtocol(Type t, Object... params){
  this.type = t;
  this.params = params;

 public Protocol execute(){
   case SAMPLE_TYPE:{
    //Your implementation here

 public Type getType(){ return Type; }
 public Object[] getParams(){ return params; }


int requestTypeA() {
 int someNeededValueForExecution = 1337;
 String someNeededStringForExecution = "This is an example";
 Protocol request = new MyProtocol(Protocol.Type.SAMPLE_TYPE, someNeededValueForExecution, someNeededStringForExecution);
 Protocol response = request.execute();
 // You can have multiple parameters too, parse them or return them to caller
 return (int)response.getParams()[0];

答案 5 :(得分:0)


interface Type<T> {}


interface Type<T> {
    Type<Integer> A = new Type<Integer>(){};
    Type<String>  B = new Type<String>(){};


Request request = new Request(Type.A);


interface Response {
    <T> T getContent(Type<T> type);


int requestTypeA() {
    Request request = new Request(Type.A);
    Response response = request.execute();
    return response.getContent(Type.A);

String requestTypeB() {
    Request request = new Request(Type.B);
    Response response = request.execute();
    return response.getContent(Type.B);



class GenericResponse<C> implements Response {
    private final Type<C> type;
    private final C content;

    public GenericResponse(Type<C> type, C content) {
        this.type = type;
        this.content = content;

    public <T> T getContent(Type<T> type) {
        if (this.type == type)
            return (T) content;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();


interface Request {
    Response execute();

class RequestTypeA implements Request {
    public Response execute() {
        // do stuff
        return new GenericResponse<Integer>(Type.A, 123);

class RequestTypeB implements Request {
    public Response execute() {
        // do stuff
        return new GenericResponse<String>(Type.B, "done");


interface Type<T> {
    Type<Integer> A = new Type<Integer>(){
        public Request createRequest() {
            return new RequestTypeA();

    Type<String>  B = new Type<String>(){
        public Request createRequest() {
            return new RequestTypeB();

    Request createRequest();


int requestTypeA() {
    Request request = Type.A.createRequest();
    Response response = request.execute();
    return response.getContent(Type.A);

String requestTypeB() {
    Request request = Type.B.createRequest();
    Response response = request.execute();
    return response.getContent(Type.B);

答案 6 :(得分:-1)


public enum Type {



public class RequestINT extends Request {
public RequestINT(){
public Response execute() {
    return new ResponseINT();

public class ResponseINT extends Response {
public Type getResponse() {
    return Type.INT;


public class TestExec {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Request request1 = new RequestINT();
    Response response1 = request1.execute();

    Request request2 = new RequestSTRING();
    Response response2 = request2.execute();



答案 7 :(得分:-1)


package com.example.stackoverflow.oop;

public class Executor {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception  {
        String req = "helloworld";
        String res = execute(req, String.class);
        System.out.println( "Res:" + res );

    public static <T,R> R execute(T req, Class<R> res) throws Exception {
        Object object = res.newInstance();
        return res.cast(object);



答案 8 :(得分:-1)


interface Request<RETURNVALUE>{Response<RETURNVALUE> execute();}

interface Response<RETURNVALUE>{RETURNVALUE getValue();}

class Client{

String requestTypeA(){
    Request<String> q = new RequestA();
    return q.execute().getValue();

class RequestA implements Request<String>{

public Response<String> execute() {
    return new ResponseA();


class ResponseA implements Response<String>{

public String getValue() {
    return null;