我在C中使用命名管道有一个客户端/服务器程序。我的服务器应该发送消息"last line"
编辑这里要求的是我的服务器和客户端代码,其中发生了读/写操作。我的程序的总体目标是将文件名和搜索项发送到服务器,该服务器逐行读取文件并返回在每行上找到该项的频率。然后由客户打印该信息。在读完整个文件后,服务器将发送一个总计,客户端打印特殊格式。服务器结束" server-EOF"表明它已完成通信。这是一个硬件分配,所以这些是我给出的规范。
ifstream rf(requestedFileName)
size_t found;
getline(rf,tempLine);//gets the first line of the file
while (!rf.eof())
found= tempLine.find(requestedTarget);//searches line for target
while(found != string::npos)//if it was found, increase counts and search again
found=tempLine.find(requestedTarget, found+1);
if(totalTimesFoundOnLine != 0) //If it was found create the right string and send it to client
int n = sprintf(stringToSend, "Appeared on Line %d, %d times",currentLineNumber,
write(fd2, stringToSend, sizeof(stringToSend));
getline(rf,tempLine);//gets the next line
totalTimesFoundOnLine = 0; //resets the found count
//create the special total string.
int t = sprintf(stringToSend, "Appeared a Total of %d Times",totalTimesFoundInFile);
//Send a message to the client to let it know the special total line is coming
char finalLine[] = "final line";
if(write(fd2, finalLine, sizeof(finalLine)) != sizeof(finalLine))
cout<<"error writing" <<endl; }
cout <<"Just put 'finalLine' into pipe" <<endl;//lets me know the signal went out
int s= write(fd2,stringToSend, t);//writes the special total line into the pipe
if(s != t)
cout <<"error writing" <<endl;
cout <<"Just put last line into pipe" <<endl;//verifies that the special line got into the pipe and didn't block
char endingMessage[]="Server-EOF";//Let the client know the server is finished
write(fd2, endingMessage, sizeof(endingMessage));
cout <<"Wrote endingMessage" <<endl; //verifies the message got sent
char endMessage[] = "Server-EOF";
int nread;
nread = read(fd2, buffer, maxBufferSize);//reads the first input from the pipe
if(nread == -1) cout << "a read error occurred" <<endl;
while(strcmp(buffer, endMessage) != 0) //check to 'server-EOF' message
cout << "Size of buffer is: " << strlen(buffer) <<endl;//verifies size of message recieved
if(strcmp(buffer, "final line") == 0)
{//Handler to recieve special total message and output it
nread =read(fd2, buffer, maxBufferSize);//get total message
if(nread == -1)
cout <<"a read error occurred" <<endl;
cout <<"Size of buffer is: " <<strlen(buffer) <<endl;//verify it got the total message
cout<< "Client : PID" << clientPID << " - Target >>"
<< requestedTarget <<"<< in File >>" << requestedFileName
<<"<< " << buffer << endl;
else{//Print out the information about search numbers for regular liens
cout <<"Client : PID " << clientPID << " - Target >>"
<<requestedTarget <<"<< " << buffer <<endl;
nread=read(fd2, buffer, maxBufferSize);//reads next message from pipe
if(nread == -1)
cout << "a read error occurred" << endl;
Final string to send: Appeared a Total of 4 Times
Just put 'finalLine' into pipe
Just put last line into pipe
Wrote endingMessage
Size of buffer is: 27
Client : PID 5172 - Target >>apple<< Appeared on Line 1, 1 times
Size of buffer is: 27
Client : PID 5172 - Target >>apple<< Appeared on Line 2, 1 times
Size of buffer is: 27
Client : PID 5172 - Target >>apple<< Appeared on Line 4, 2 times
Size of buffer is: 10
Size of buffer is: 10
Client : PID6144 - Target >>apple<< in File >>pipedTest.txt<< final line
//This line ^^ should say something like" appeared a total of 11 times" instead of "final line"
看来我的客户正在收到消息&#34;最后一行&#34; (10个字符),但是当它应该在那之后读取总线时,它显然仍然只有&#34;最后一行&#34;在缓冲区。我知道这是因为后来的输出只是一个无限循环,最后一行&#34;作为我的缓冲区。该循环必须意味着我所有进一步的read()
答案 0 :(得分:1)
nread = read(fd2, buffer, maxBufferSize);//reads the first input from the pipe
if(nread == -1) cout << "a read error occurred" <<endl;
while(strcmp(buffer, endMessage) != 0) //check to 'server-EOF' message
函数仅适用于C风格的字符串,不适用于任意数据。 nread
答案 1 :(得分:0)