Java Tax计划帮助赞赏 - 哨兵while循环

时间:2014-09-24 16:36:22

标签: java


 // Get first Customer ID
{ while(customerID != -1)
  System.out.print("Enter Customer ID: ");
  customerID = input.nextInt();
  // Get income and withholding information

  System.out.print("Enter Income: ");
       income = input.nextDouble();

  System.out.print("Enter Federal Taxes Withheld: ");
  federalwh = input.nextDouble();

  System.out.print("Enter State Taxes Withheld: ");
  statewh = input.nextDouble();

  System.out.print("Enter Deductions: ");
  deduction = input.nextDouble();

  // Get next Customer ID
 System.out.println("Enter Customer ID: ");
  customerID = input.nextInt();

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if(taxableIncome > 20000 && taxableIncome <= 40000);


if(taxableIncome > 20000 && taxableIncome <= 40000)

答案 1 :(得分:0)



// Get the first Customer ID
System.out.println("Enter Customer ID: ");
customerID = input.nextInt();

while(customerID != -1)
    // Get income and withholding information
    System.out.print("Enter Income: ");
    income = input.nextDouble();

    System.out.print("Enter Federal Taxes Withheld: ");
    federalwh = input.nextDouble();

    System.out.print("Enter State Taxes Withheld: ");
    statewh = input.nextDouble();

    System.out.print("Enter Deductions: ");
    deduction = input.nextDouble();

    //!IMPORTANT SET all values for bracket to zero here!
    bracket10to20 = 0.0;
    //you can fill in all the rest

    //put all the calculations here from original answer

    //Get next customer id
    System.out.print("Enter Customer ID: ");
    customerID = input.nextInt();
    // if it's -1, we won't go through while again



if(taxableIncome > 20000 && taxableIncome <= 40000);

分号打破了它。删除它。但是,我建议你改变你对ifs的态度。你已经将很多if / elses嵌套在一起,当你可以像这样链接它们时:

    taxableIncome = income - deduction;

    if (taxableIncome <= 10000) {
        federalTax = 0.0;
    } else if (taxableIncome > 10000 && taxableIncome <= 20000) {
        bracket10to20 = (taxableIncome - 10000);
    } else if (taxableIncome > 20000 && taxableIncome <= 40000) {
        bracket20to40 = taxableIncome - 20000;
        bracket10to20 = 10000;
    } else if (taxableIncome > 40000) {
        bracket40plus = taxableIncome - 30000;
        bracket10to20 = 10000;
        bracket20to40 = 20000;

    federalTax = (bracket10to20 * 0.15) + (bracket20to40 * 0.2)
            + (bracket40plus * 0.3);
