
时间:2014-08-30 22:41:07

标签: java

我无法让while循环工作。程序提示用户是否要继续,输入0 toquit或任何其他整数继续。如果用户想要c 接着,程序将循环回到菜单,否则,它将退出。因此,你应该有一个哨兵控制的循环,它将在输入0时结束

import java.util.Scanner;

public class AdoptAPet
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    int gender = 0;

    double costAdoption = 0.0;
    double costGenderSelect = 0.0;
    double costAnyGender = 0.0;
    double costProcessing = 0.0;
    double total = 0.0;
    int genderCounter = 0;

    System.out.println("Choose from the following options: 1 for male, 2 for female, 3 for any");

     while(gender != 0);//begin sentinel controlled while loop
    System.out.print("Please choose the gender of the cat you wish to purchase:");
    gender = input.nextInt();

   if(gender < 0)
    System.out.println("INVALID CHOICE! ");

    System.out.print("enter 0 to quit: 0 or enter any other nunber to continue:");
    gender = input.nextInt();

    if(gender == 1)
    costAdoption = 9.50;
    costAdoption += costProcessing + 2.00;
    total += costAdoption;

    System.out.printf("Your Choice is: " );
    System.out.printf("male and the total is $%.2f", total);

    if(gender == 2)
    costGenderSelect = 11.50;
    costGenderSelect += costProcessing + 2.00;
    total += costGenderSelect;

    System.out.printf("Your Choice is: " );
    System.out.printf("female and the total is $%.2f", total);

    if(gender == 3)
    costAnyGender = 9.50;
    costAnyGender += costProcessing + 2.00;
    total += costAnyGender;

    System.out.printf("Your Choice is: " );
    System.out.printf("Any gender and the total is $%.2f", total);



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


while(gender != 0);//begin sentinel controlled while loop

仔细观察。最后有一个分号 - 这就是整个陈述。后面的{}块不属于循环(并且只执行一次)。

尝试放弃;从最后 - 我们已经修复了我们的while循环,但现在{}循环体根本没有执行。这是因为性别初始化的值为0.所以要让我们的循环至少执行一次,我们需要将性别初始化为其他东西,或者使用do-while循环。


import java.util.Scanner;

public class AdoptAPet
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
      int gender = 0;

      double costAdoption = 0.0;
      double costGenderSelect = 0.0;
      double costAnyGender = 0.0;
      double costProcessing = 0.0;
      double total = 0.0;
      int genderCounter = 0;

      System.out.println("Choose from the following options: 1 for male, 2 for female, 3 for any");

      do   //begin sentinel controlled while loop
         System.out.print("Please choose the gender of the cat you wish to purchase:");
         gender = input.nextInt();

         if(gender < 0)
            System.out.println("INVALID CHOICE! ");

            System.out.print("enter 0 to quit: 0 or enter any other nunber to continue:");
            gender = input.nextInt();

         if (gender == 1)
            costAdoption = 9.50;
            costAdoption += costProcessing + 2.00;
            total += costAdoption; 

            System.out.printf("Your Choice is: " );
            System.out.printf("male and the total is $%.2f", total);

         if (gender == 2)
            costGenderSelect = 11.50;
            costGenderSelect += costProcessing + 2.00;
            total += costGenderSelect;

            System.out.printf("Your Choice is: " );
            System.out.printf("female and the total is $%.2f", total);

         if (gender == 3)
            costAnyGender = 9.50;
            costAnyGender += costProcessing + 2.00;
            total += costAnyGender;

            System.out.printf("Your Choice is: " );
            System.out.printf("Any gender and the total is $%.2f", total);

      } while(gender != 0);   //end sentinel controlled while loop

答案 1 :(得分:0)


while(gender != 0);//<-- remove the semi colon,loop gets terminated by it


int gender = -1;//<-- this will cause the loop to start