
时间:2014-09-24 05:13:00

标签: c# sql asp.net linq


Stock Table:
StoreID- ProductID - Quantity
1 - 1- 50

StoreID- ProductID - Quantity
1 - 1- 60 //The product is unable To purchase IT has greater quantity regarding The stock Table
1 - 2- 40 //I can purchase This product as
          // This isn't available in stock Table but The following code blocks IT Too



            SMPURCHASEEntities dc = new SMPURCHASEEntities();

            var con2 = (from s in dc.StoreInventoryDetails
                        select s).ToList();

            string l = Session["EmployeeID"].ToString();
            int g = Convert.ToInt32(l);

            List<EmployeeDetails> con4 = (from r in dc.EmployeeDetails
                                          where r.EmployeeID == (g)
                                          select r).ToList();

            List<Stock> con3 = (from f in dc.Stock
                                select f).ToList();

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtQuantity.Text.Trim()))
                            lblMsg.Text = "Fields are empty";

                            SMPURCHASEEntities context = new SMPURCHASEEntities();

                            int d = Convert.ToInt32(Session["EmployeeID"]);

                            List<EmployeeDetails> con = (from m in context.EmployeeDetails
                                                         where m.EmployeeID == (d)
                                                         select m).ToList();

                            List<DemandOrderLine> con_02 = (from c in context.DemandOrderLine
                                                            select c).ToList();

                            DemandOrderLine k = new DemandOrderLine();

                        foreach (StoreInventoryDetails s in con2)
                            foreach (Stock f in con3)
                                foreach (EmployeeDetails r in con4)
                                    if (f.ItemID == s.ItemID && s.Quantity > f.Quantity && f.StoreID == r.StoreID && s.UniTypeID == f.UnitTypeID)
                                        Label1.Text = "You have The minimum stock!!";
                                                k.OrderID = Session["OrderID"].ToString();
                                                k.CategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCategoryID.SelectedValue);
                                                k.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlItemID.SelectedValue);
                                                k.UnitTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUnitTypeID.SelectedValue);
                                                k.Quantity = Convert.ToDouble(txtQuantity.Text);
                                                k.Status = 0;
                                                k.ApprovalStatus = Convert.ToBoolean(0);
                                                k.StoreID = r.StoreID;
                                                k.TotalQuantity = Convert.ToDouble(txtQuantity.Text);
                                                k.Dissolved = 0;


                                                catch (Exception ex)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        const int employeeId = 1;
        var storeId = EmployeeList.Single(t => t.EmployeeId == employeeId).StoreId;
        CanAddProduct(1, storeId); // false
        CanAddProduct(2, storeId); // true

    static bool CanAddProduct(int itemId, int storeId)
        var inventory = InventoryList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ItemId == itemId && t.StoreId == storeId);
        if (inventory == null)
            throw new ApplicationException("No such product in inventory");
        var stock = StockList.Where(st => st.ItemId == itemId &&
            st.Quantity < inventory.Quantity && st.StoreId == storeId);

        if (stock.Any())
            Console.WriteLine("You can't add ItemId={0}. You have The minimum stock", itemId);
            return false;
        Console.WriteLine("You can add ItemId={0}", itemId);
        return true;