bits 16
org 0x100;
jmp main ;
number1_str: db 3,0,0,0,0,'$'
number2_str: db 3,0,0,0,0,'$'
num1_hex: dw 2
num2_hex: dw 2
prompt1: db 'Please enter first number (from 1 to 50): ','$'
prompt2: db 'Please enter second number (from 1 to 50): ','$'
db 13,10,'$' ; carriage return and line feed
;Displays a string in dx
mov ah,09 ;
int 0x21 ;
ret ;
; Converts an ASCII string of digits to a decimal number, and puts the result
; in ax, and passes the address to dx. If an error occurs, AL is set to 'E'.
xor ax,ax ; initial value of AX = 0
xor bh,bh ; BH = 0
mov cx,10 ; To build integer in AX (multiply by 10)
mov si,dx ; DX points to start of input buffer
call next_char ;
ret ;
mov bl,[si] ; move contents of memory pointed to by SI to BL
cmp bl,0x0D ; Is it a carriage return?
je finis ; Yes, we are done
cmp bl,0x39 ; ASCII for the character '9' is 39h
jg error ; > '9', invalid character
sub bl,0x30 ; Convert to numeric value (ASCII '0' - 30h)
jl error ; < 0, invalid character
imul cx ; DX:AX = AX * 10 (32-bit result)
add ax,bx ; add next digit
inc si ; pointer to next char
jmp next_char ; repeat for next character
ret ;
mov al,'E' ; Flag an error
ret ; return to calling program
;Calculates the greatest common divisor from the values in
;ax and bx. The GCD will be stored in ax.
idiv bx ; remainder (7) in DX, quotient (1) in ax
mov ax,bx ; move bx into ax
mov bx,dx ; move dx into bx
cmp bx, 0x0 ; Is y = 0?
jg yIsZero ; Y is zero, return to call from main
call GCD ; loop again if y isn't zero
; Displays result in ax and terminates program
xor dx,dx ; set dx to 0
add ax,0x30 ; convert remainder to ascii, store in ax
mov dx,ax ;
int 0x21 ;
int 0x20 ; terminate program
mov dx,prompt1 ; move prompt1 to dx
call disp_str ; display prompt1
;get number1_str
xor dx,dx ; set dx to 0
mov ah,0x0a ; accept string from user
mov dx,number1_str; address for string
int 0x21 ;
call str_to_num ;
mov [num1_hex],ax ; put value of ax into contents of memory address at
; num1_hex
mov ah,09 ; display string
mov dx,cr_lf ; display carriage return and line feed
int 0x21 ;
mov dx,prompt2 ; move prompt2 to dx
call disp_str ; display prompt2
;get number2
xor dx,dx ; set dx to 0
mov ah,0x0a ; accept string from user
mov dx,number2_str; address for string
int 0x21 ;
call str_to_num ;
mov [num2_hex],ax ; put value of ax into contents of memory address at
; num2_hex
mov ah,09 ; display string
mov dx,cr_lf ; display carriage return and line feed
int 0x21 ;
; Find the greatest common divisor
xor dx,dx ; set dx to 0
mov ax,num1_hex ; move value in num1_hex to ax
mov bx,num2_hex ; move value in num2_hex to bx
call GCD ; find greatest common divisor from values in ax and bx
非常感谢任何帮助。 - JS
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