c ++ stl优先级队列插入bad_alloc异常

时间:2010-04-07 16:38:45

标签: c++ stl struct priority-queue bad-alloc

我正在研究一个查询处理器,它从内存中读取长文档ID列表并查找匹配的id。当找到一个时,它会创建一个DOC结构,其中包含docid(一个int)和文档的rank(一个double)并将其推送到优先级队列。我的问题是,当搜索的单词有一个很长的列表时,当我尝试将DOC推送到队列时,我得到以下异常: QueryProcessor.exe中0x7c812afb处的未处理异常:Microsoft C ++异常:内存位置为0x0012ee88的std :: bad_alloc ..

当单词有一个短列表时,它可以正常工作。我尝试在我的代码中的几个地方将DOC推送到队列中,它们都工作到某一行;之后,我得到了上述错误。我完全不知道出了什么问题,因为读入的最长列表小于1 MB而且我释放了我分配的所有内存。当我尝试将DOC推送到具有容纳它的容量的队列时,为什么突然出现bad_alloc异常(我使用了保留足够空间的向量作为优先级队列的底层数据结构)?


NextGEQ函数逐块读取压缩的docids列表。也就是说,如果它看到块中的lastdocid(在单独的列表中)大于传入的docid,它会解压缩块并搜索直到找到正确的块。每个列表都以关于列表的元数据开始,每个压缩块的长度和块中的最后一个docid。 data.iquery指向元数据的开头; data.metapointer指向函数当前所在的元数据中的任何位置;和data.blockpointer指向未压缩的docids块的开头(如果有的话)。如果它看到它已经解压缩,它只是搜索。下面,当我第一次调用该函数时,它解压缩一个块并找到docid;在工作之后推入队列。第二次,它甚至不需要解压缩;也就是说,没有分配新内存,但在此之后,推送到队列会产生bad_alloc错误。


struct DOC{

    long int docid;
    long double rank;

        docid = 0;
        rank = 0.0;

    DOC(int num, double ranking)
        docid = num;
        rank = ranking;


     bool operator>( const DOC & d ) const {
       return rank > d.rank;

      bool operator<( const DOC & d ) const {
       return rank < d.rank;

struct listnode{

int* metapointer;
int* blockpointer;
int docposition;
int frequency;
int numberdocs;
int* iquery;
listnode* nextnode;


void QUERYMANAGER::SubmitQuery(char *query){

    listnode* startlist;

        vector<DOC> docvec;
        DOC doct;

    //create a priority queue to use as a min-heap to store the documents and rankings;

        priority_queue<DOC, vector<DOC>,std::greater<DOC>> q(docvec.begin(), docvec.end());


    //do some processing here; startlist is a pointer to a listnode struct that starts the   //linked list

        //point the linked list start pointer to the node returned by the OpenList method

        startlist = &OpenList(value);
        listnode* minpointer;

        //start by finding the first docid in the shortest list
            int i = 0;
            num = NextGEQ(0, *startlist);
            while(num != -1)


    //the is where the problem starts - every previous q.push(doct) works; the one after
    //NextGEQ(num +1, *startlist) gives the bad_alloc error

            num = NextGEQ(num + 1, *startlist);

         //this is where the exception is thrown


//takes a word and returns a listnode struct with a pointer to the beginning of the list
//and metadata about the list 
listnode QUERYMANAGER::OpenList(char* word)
    long int numdocs;

    //create a new node in the linked list and initialize its variables

    listnode n;
    n.iquery = cache -> GetiList(word, &numdocs);
    n.docposition = 0;
    n.frequency = 0;
    n.numberdocs = numdocs;

   //an int pointer to point to where in the metadata you are
    n.metapointer = n.iquery;
    n.nextnode = NULL;
  //an int pointer to point to the uncompressed block of data, if there is one
    n.blockpointer = NULL;

    return n;


int QUERYMANAGER::NextGEQ(int value, listnode& data)
     int lengthdocids;
     int lengthfreqs; 
     int lengthpos;
     int* temp;
     int lastdocid;

     lastdocid = *(data.metapointer + 2);


         //if it's not the first chunk in the list, the blockpointer will be pointing to the 
        //most recently opened block and docpos to the current position in the block
    if( data.blockpointer && lastdocid >= value)

            //if the last docid in the chunk is >= the docid we're looking for,
            //go through the chunk to look for a match

        //the last docid in the block is in lastdocid; keep going until you hit it
        while(*(data.blockpointer + data.docposition) <= lastdocid)
            //compare each docid with the docid passed in; if it's greater than or equal to it, return a pointer to the docid
             if(*(data.blockpointer + data.docposition ) >= value)

                 //return the next greater than or equal docid
                 return *(data.blockpointer + data.docposition);

        //read through the whole block; couldn't find matching docid; increment metapointer to the next block;
        //free the block's memory

        data.metapointer += 3;
        lastdocid = *(data.metapointer + 3);
        data.blockpointer = NULL;

        //reached the end of a block; check the metadata to find where the next block begins and ends and whether 
        //the last docid in the block is smaller or larger than the value being searched for

        //first make sure that you haven't reached the end of the list
            //if the last docid in the chunk is still smaller than the value passed in, move the metadata pointer
           //to the beginning of the next chunk's metadata; read in the new metadata

         //  while(*(metapointers[index]) != 0 )
               if(lastdocid < value && *(data.metapointer) !=0)
               data.metapointer += 3;
               lastdocid = *(data.metapointer + 2);

           else if(*(data.metapointer) == 0)
               return -1;

               //we must have hit a chunk whose lastdocid is >= value; read it in
                //read in the metadata
           //the length of the chunk of docid's is cumulative, so subtract the end of the last chunk 
           //from the end of this chunk to get the length

               //find the end of the metadata

                temp = data.metapointer;

            while(*temp != 0)
                temp += 3;
                temp += 2;
    //temp is now pointing to the beginning of the list of compressed data; use the location of metapointer
    //to calculate where to start reading and how much to read

         //if it's the first chunk in the list,the corresponding metapointer is pointing to the beginning of the query
        //so the number of bytes of docid's is just the first integer in the metadata
                if(  data.metapointer == data.iquery)
                    lengthdocids = *data.metapointer;


                    //start reading from the offset of the end of the last chunk (saved in metapointers[index] - 3)
                    //plus 1 = the beginning of this chunk

                    lengthdocids = *(data.metapointer) - (*(data.metapointer - 3));
                    temp += (*(data.metapointer - 3)) / sizeof(int); 


           //allocate memory for an array of integers - the block of docid's uncompressed
           int* docblock = (int*)malloc(lengthdocids * 5 );

           //decompress docid's into the block of memory allocated
            s9decompress((int*)temp, lengthdocids /4, (int*) docblock, true);

            //set the blockpointer to point to the beginning of the block
            //and docpositions[index] to 0
            data.blockpointer = docblock;
            data.docposition = 0;





4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

QUERYMANAGER::OpenList按值返回listnode。然后在startlist = &OpenList(value);中继续获取返回的临时对象的地址。当临时消失时,您可能会在一段时间内访问数据然后被覆盖。你能在堆栈上声明一个非指针listnode起始列表并直接为它赋值吗?然后在其他用途​​前删除*,看看是否能解决问题。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


答案 2 :(得分:0)




答案 3 :(得分:0)

感谢您的帮助。你是对的,尼尔 - 我必须设法破坏我的堆。我仍然不确定是什么导致它,但当我将malloc(numdocids * 5)更改为malloc(256)时,它神奇地停止了崩溃。我想我应该检查我的mallocs是否真的成功了!再次感谢! BSG