function[cameltoe] = abbreviatingCamelCase(firstWord)
indexing = find(firstWord(1:end - 1) == ' ');%I want to find all the spaces here
firstWord( indexing + 1) = upper(firstWord(indexing + 1)); %I want to uppercase all the words following a space
firstWord(firstWord == ' ') = [];
firstWord(ismember(firstWord, ' aeiou')) = [];
cameltoe = firstWord;
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firstWord = 'one fish two fish red fish blue fish'
indexing = find(firstWord(1:end - 1) == ' ');%I want to find all the spaces here
firstWord( indexing + 1) = upper(firstWord(indexing + 1)); %I want to uppercase all the words following a space
firstWord(firstWord == ' ') = [];
Li = ismember(firstWord, 'aeiou');
firstWord(Li) = [];
cameltoe = firstWord
indexing = find(firstWord(1:end - 1) == ' ');
firstWord( indexing + 1) = upper(firstWord(indexing + 1));
firstWord(firstWord == ' ') = [];
firstWord([false ismember(firstWord(2:end), 'aeiou')]) = [];
cameltoe = firstWord;