wages = np.arange(40000,60000,2000)
cg = np.arange(0,100000,10000)
ded = np.repeat([6000,9000],5)
exem = np.repeat([2000,4000],5)
agi = wages + cg
tinc = agi - ded
tinc = tinc - exem
agi = wages + cg
mask = wages < 50001
tinc = agi
tinc[mask] = agi[mask] - ded[mask]
tinc[mask] = tinc[mask] - exem[mask]
这并不可怕,不要误解我的意思,而是将这个变量与数百行代码相乘。有没有办法做以下的事情,而不诉诸cython / numba循环?
# fake code, just to convey the desired syntax
agi = wages + cg
tinc = agi
mask( wages < 50001 ): # i.e. inside a python loop, would be "if wages < 50001:"
tinc = agi - ded
tinc = tinc - exem
答案 0 :(得分:1)
def masking(namespace, mask):
# If you don't have a fixed set of maskable variables, make it
# an instance/global/local variables, like `_names`, or just
# [name for name, value in namespace.items() if isiinstance(value, np.ndarray)]
names = 'tinc agi dec exem'.split()
stash = {name: namespace[name] for name in names}
for name in names:
namespace[name] = namespace[name][mask]
for name in names:
namespace[name] = stash[name]
with masking(globals(), wages < 50001):
tinc = agi - dec
tinc = tinc - exem
with masking(self.__dict__, self.wages < 50001):
self.tinc = self.agi - self.dec
self.tinc = self.tinc - self.exem
# etc.
答案 1 :(得分:0)
执行此操作的一种方法可以使用Numpy's masked arrays。
Numpy的文档进一步详细介绍,我建议在开始之前仔细查看。它可能会增加一些复杂性(你可能需要或不需要使用function under numpy.ma
def mask(clause, masked_arrays):
for ma in masked_arrays:
ma[~clause] = np.ma.masked
for ma in masked_arrays:
ma.mask = np.ma.nomask
# Wrap arrays as masked arrays
mwages = np.ma.array(wages)
mcg = np.ma.array(cg)
... etc ...
with mask(mwages < 50001, [mwages, mcg, mded, ...]):
# np.ma.compressed returns 1D array of non-masked items
unmasked_tinc = np.ma.compressed(magi - mded - mexem)
# or must change the masked one directly