
时间:2014-09-03 10:05:07

标签: cmusphinx


Sphinxtrain path: /usr/local/lib/sphinxtrain
Sphinxtrain binaries path: /usr/local/libexec/sphinxtrain
Running the training
MODULE: 000 Computing feature from audio files
Extracting features from  segments starting at  (part 1 of 1) 
Extracting features from  segments starting at  (part 1 of 1) 
Feature extraction is done
MODULE: 00 verify training files
    Phase 1: Checking to see if the dict and filler dict agrees with the phonelist file.
WARNING: The phonelist (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.phone) does not define the phone SIL (required!)
        Found 6 words using 10 phones
WARNING: This phone (SIL) occurs in the dictionary (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.dic), but not in the phonelist (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.phone)
    Phase 2: Checking to make sure there are not duplicate entries in the dictionary
    Phase 3: Check general format for the fileids file; utterance length (must be positive); files exist
    Phase 4: Checking number of lines in the transcript file should match lines in fileids file
    Phase 5: Determine amount of training data, see if n_tied_states seems reasonable.
        Estimated Total Hours Training: 0.000816666666666667
        This is a small amount of data, no comment at this time
    Phase 6: Checking that all the words in the transcript are in the dictionary
        Words in dictionary: 3
        Words in filler dictionary: 3
    Phase 7: Checking that all the phones in the transcript are in the phonelist, and all phones in the phonelist appear at least once
MODULE: 0000 train grapheme-to-phoneme model
Skipped (set $CFG_G2P_MODEL = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 01 Train LDA transformation
Skipped (set $CFG_LDA_MLLT = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 02 Train MLLT transformation
Skipped (set $CFG_LDA_MLLT = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 05 Vector Quantization
Skipped for continuous models
MODULE: 10 Training Context Independent models for forced alignment and VTLN
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_FORCEDALIGN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_VTLN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 11 Force-aligning transcripts
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_FORCEDALIGN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 12 Force-aligning data for VTLN
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_VTLN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 20 Training Context Independent models
    Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
    Phase 2: Flat initialize
    Phase 3: Forward-Backward
        Baum welch starting for 1 Gaussian(s), iteration: 1 (1 of 1)
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1
MODULE: 30 Training Context Dependent models
    Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
    Phase 2: Initialization
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
    Phase 3: Forward-Backward
        Baum welch starting for iteration: 1 (1 of 1) 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 2 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1
MODULE: 40 Build Trees
    Phase 1: Cleaning up old log files...
    Phase 2: Make Questions
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
    Phase 3: Tree building
        Processing each phone with each state
        AE 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        AE 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        AE 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        L 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        L 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        L 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        AH 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        AH 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        AH 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        F 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        F 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        F 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        B 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        B 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        B 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        IY 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        IY 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        IY 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        JH 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        JH 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        JH 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        EY 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        EY 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        EY 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        M 0 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        M 1 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        M 2 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
MODULE: 45 Prune Trees
    Phase 1: Tree Pruning
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
    Phase 2: State Tying
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
MODULE: 50 Training Context dependent models
    Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
    Phase 2: Copy CI to CD initialize
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
    Phase 3: Forward-Backward
        Baum welch starting for 1 Gaussian(s), iteration: 1 (1 of 1)
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1
MODULE: 60 Lattice Generation
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 61 Lattice Pruning
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 62 Lattice Format Conversion
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 65 MMIE Training
Skipped:  $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 90 deleted interpolation
Skipped for continuous models
MODULE: DECODE Decoding using models previously trained
        Decoding 3 segments starting at 0 (part 1 of 1) 
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages.  Please check the log file for details.
        Aligning results to find error rate
word_align.pl failed with error code 65280 at /usr/local/lib/sphinxtrain/scripts/decode/slave.pl line 173.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



警告:此手机(SIL)出现在词典中(/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.dic),但不在语音词典中(/ home / anonymus /工作区/斯芬克斯试验/字母/教程/字母的/ etc / alphabets.phone)




