然而,我现在遇到了一个问题,虽然目前我想在模板中列出匹配及其分数,但每个匹配的集合数量可能不同,当我遍历它们时,我得到一个索引错误。有些比赛可能有2组,其他有3,4或5 ......如果一名运动员退役,可能只有一些比赛。
我有匹配和每组的模型,类似这样。 (我可以获得播放器的匹配日期,匹配,结果和Set1等,因为这些列表都具有相同数量的值。但是,作为示例的set3列表的长度要短得多并导致错误。 ):
class Match(models.Model):
match_ID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
match_date = models.DateField()
players = models.ManyToManyField(Team, through='MatchStats', related_name='pim')
hometeam = models.ForeignKey(Team, to_field='teamname', related_name='hometeam')
awayteam = models.ForeignKey(Team, to_field='teamname', related_name='awayteam')
hometeam_sets = models.IntegerField()
awayteam_sets = models.IntegerField()
class Set(models.Model):
set_ID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
match = models.ForeignKey(Match)
set_number = models.IntegerField()
hometeam_games = models.IntegerField(default=0)
awayteam_games = models.IntegerField(default=0)
def playermatches(request, player_ID):
context = RequestContext(request)
p = get_object_or_404(Player, pk=player_ID)
match_list = Match.objects.filter(players=player_ID).order_by('-match_date')[:100]
i = len(match_list)
j = 0
#This works as all test matches have a 1st set!
s1_list = Set.objects.filter(match=match_list, set_number=1).order_by(-match__match_date')[:100]
I am totally out of ideas as to what I might do next though.
Tried various things like 'if exists', 'try except IndexError etc'.
Below was the last thing I tried which failed yet again.
s3_list = []
while j < i:
s3 = Set.objects.filter(match=match_list, set_number=3)[j]
if s3:
s3 = Set.objects.filter(set_ID=1)
lst1 = match_list
lst2 = result_list
lst3 = s1_list
lst5 = s3_list
mandr = zip(lst1, lst2, lst3,... lst5)
context_dict = {...}
return render_to_response('stats/players.html', context_dict, context)
{% if matches %}
{% for match, team, s1, s2 in mandr %}
<li>{{ match.match_date }} <a href="/stats/match/{{ match.match_ID }}/">{{ match.hometeam }} vs. {{ match.awayteam }}</a> ( {{ team.result }} )</li>
<li>{{ match.hometeam_sets }}:{{ match.awayteam_sets }} -- {{ s1.hometeam_games }}-{{ s1.awayteam_games }} {{ s3.hometeam_games }}-{{ s3.awayteam_games }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<strong>There are currently no matches in the system - try again tomorrow!</strong>
{% endif %}
答案 0 :(得分:0)
<强> views.py 强>
m_list = match_list
r_list = result_list
list1 = s1_list
list2 = s2_list
list5 = s3_list
mandr = zip(m_list, r_list)
my_lists = zip(list1, list2, ..., lst5)
<强> templates.py 强>
{% if matches %}
{% for match, team in mandr %}
<li>{{ match.match_date }} <a href="/stats/match/{{ match.match_ID }}/">
{{ match.hometeam }} vs. {{ match.awayteam }}</a> ( {{ team.result }} )</li>
<li>{{ match.hometeam_sets }}:{{ match.awayteam_sets }} --
{% for lst in my_lists %}
<li>{{ lst.hometeam_games }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<strong>There are currently no matches in the system - try again tomorrow!</strong>
{% endif %}
答案 1 :(得分:0)
{% for match in mandr %}
{% for set in match.sets.all %}
{{ set.hometeam_games }}:{{ set.awayteam_games }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}