
时间:2014-09-02 11:04:44

标签: haskell data-structures


  1. true :: InfBitMap


  2. falsify :: InfBitMap -> [Int] -> InfBitMap

    将列表中的所有位置设置为False。该列表可能是无限的。例如,伪造真[0,2 ..]将返回一个列表,其中所有(且仅)奇数位置为真。

  3. check :: InfBitMap -> Int -> Bool


  4. 到目前为止,这是我能做的。

    -- InfBitMap will look like [(@), (@, @), (@, @, @, @)..]
    type InfBitMap = [Seq Bool]
    true :: InfBitMap
    true = iterate (\x -> x >< x) $ singleton True
    -- O(L * log N) where N is the biggest index in the list checked for later
    -- and L is the length of the index list. It is assumed that the list is
    -- sorted and unique.
    falsify :: InfBitMap -> [Int] -> InfBitMap
    falsify ls is = map (falsify' is) ls
             -- Update each sequence with all indices within its length
             -- Basically composes a list of (update pos False) for all positions
             -- within the length of the sequence and then applies it.
             falsify' is l = foldl' (.) id
                                    (map ((flip update) False)
                                         (takeWhile (< length l) is))
                             $ l
    -- O(log N) where N is the index.
    check :: InfBitMap -> Int -> Bool
    check ls i = index (fromJust $ find ((> i) . length) ls) i





    -- O(log N) where N is the index.
    -- Returns "collapsed" bitmap for later more efficient checks.
    check :: InfBitMap -> Int -> (Bool, InfBitMap)
    check ls i = (index l i, ls')
            ls'@(l:_) = dropWhile ((<= i) . length) ls


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

众所周知的integer trie略有变化似乎适用于此。

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

data Trie a = Trie a (Trie a) (Trie a) deriving (Functor)

true :: Trie Bool
true = Trie True true true

-- O(log(index))
check :: Trie a -> Int -> a
check t i | i < 0 = error "negative index"
check t i = go t (i + 1) where
    go (Trie a _ _) 1 = a
    go (Trie _ l r) i = go (if even i then l else r) (div i 2)

modify :: Trie a -> Int -> (a -> a) -> Trie a
modify t i f | i < 0 = error "negative index"
modify t i f = go t (i + 1) where
    go (Trie a l r) 1 = Trie (f a) l r
    go (Trie a l r) i | even i = Trie a (go l (div i 2)) r
    go (Trie a l r) i = Trie a l (go r (div i 2))

不幸的是我们不能使用modify来实现falsify因为我们无法处理无限的索引列表(所有修改都必须在可以检查trie的元素之前执行) 。相反,我们应该做更像合并的事情:

ascIndexModify :: Trie a -> [(Int, a -> a)] -> Trie a
ascIndexModify t is = go 1 t is where
    go _ t [] = t
    go i t@(Trie a l r) ((i', f):is) = case compare i (i' + 1) of
        LT -> Trie a (go (2*i) l ((i', f):is)) (go (2*i+1) r ((i', f):is))
        GT -> go i t is
        EQ -> Trie (f a) (go (2*i) l is) (go (2*i+1) r is)

falsify :: Trie Bool -> [Int] -> Trie Bool
falsify t is = ascIndexModify t [(i, const False) | i <- is]

我们假设is中的严格升序索引,否则我们会跳过trie中的位置甚至是非终止位置,例如在check (falsify t (repeat 0)) 1中。

时间的复杂性因懒惰而有点复杂。在check (falsify t is) index中,我们需要支付额外log 2 index次比较的额外费用,以及进一步length (filter (<index) is)次比较(即跨越所有指数的成本小于我们的比例)仰视)。你可以说它是O(max(log(index), length(filter (<index) is))。无论如何,它肯定比使用O(length is * log (index))falsify实现的is更好modify

我们必须记住,在第一个check没有为check支付任何额外费用之后,树节点将被评估一次,而后续falsify - s用于相同的索引。再一次,懒惰使这有点复杂。


trieToList :: Trie a -> [a]
trieToList t = go [t] where
    go ts = [a | Trie a _ _ <- ts] 
            ++ go (do {Trie _ l r <- ts; [l, r]})

这是标准的广度优先遍历,在线性时间内。我们计算take n $ trieToList (falsify t is)时,遍历时间保持线性,因为falsify最多会产生n + length (filter (<n) is)次额外比较,最多2 * n,假设严格增加is


答案 1 :(得分:0)


true = const True

falsify ls is = \i -> not (i `elem` is) && ls i

check ls i = ls i
