谢谢, 西马克
> summary(trainData$Age)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
0.42 20.12 28.00 29.70 38.00 80.00 177
> library(VIM)
> countNA(trainData)
[1] 177
> imputed.train <- irmi(trainData,mixed=NULL)
Time difference of -0.08631301 secs
Imputation performed on the following data set:
type #missing
PassengerId "integer" "0"
Survived "binary" "0"
Pclass "integer" "0"
Name "nominal" "0"
Sex "binary" "0"
Age "numeric" "177"
SibSp "integer" "0"
Parch "integer" "0"
Ticket "nominal" "0"
Fare "numeric" "0"
Cabin "nominal" "0"
Embarked "nominal" "0"
IsChild "numeric" "0"
> countNA(imputed.train)
[1] 177
I understand that in this case, using a measure of central tendency will suffice to filling in the missing values, but would like to know why this didnt work.
The dataframe has mixed data types and Age is numeric.
谢谢, 西马克