>PA14ortho #the 1-to-1 mapping table
Source: local data frame [5,366 x 2]
PAO1.id PA14.id
1 PA0001 PA14_00010
2 PA0002 PA14_00020
3 PA0003 PA14_00030
4 PA0004 PA14_00050
.. ... ...
> select(PA14.3rep.res, PA14.id) #the "label" row in my first data table
Source: local data frame [5,977 x 1]
1 PA14_00010
2 PA14_00020
3 PA14_00030
4 PA14_00050
.. ...
> inner_join(PA14.3rep.res, PA14ortho, by="PA14.id") %>% select(PA14.id, PAO1.id) #the results of the inner join, note how there's one less record and that PAO1.id has shifted up one
Source: local data frame [5,365 x 2]
PA14.id PAO1.id
1 PA14_00010 PA0002
2 PA14_00020 PA0003
3 PA14_00030 PA0004
4 PA14_00050 PA0005
.. ... ...
> select(PAO1.3rep.res, PAO1.id) #the second data table
Source: local data frame [5,606 x 1]
1 PA0001
2 PA0002
3 PA0003
4 PA0004
.. ...
> inner_join(PAO1.3rep.res, PA14ortho, by="PAO1.id") %>% select(PAO1.id, PA14.id) #the same thing happens - the non-"by" row is shifted up one
Source: local data frame [5,365 x 2]
PAO1.id PA14.id
1 PA0001 PA14_00020
2 PA0002 PA14_00030
3 PA0003 PA14_00050
4 PA0004 PA14_00060
.. ... ...